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  • 更新时间: 2017/11/25 7:00:46
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  i. 同义词替换。
  11. --- You did a good job in the exam, Jim.
  --- Than. I am very happy with the result.
  A. disappointed with           B. pleased with                 C. interested in
  12. ---Joyce, do you like this beautiful dress?
  ---Well. mum. In my view, it’s out of date.
  A. out of place                 B. not fashionable               C. brand new
  13. --- Doctor Einstein, let me drive the car.
  ---No, it’s a pleasure to drive a genius li, Hans.
  A. a happy thing               B. an annoying thing             C. a grateful thing
  14. ---Sun Yang is ahead of the other contestants now.
  --- He looks like a shark in the swimming pool.
  A. swimming faster than         B. swimming as fast as           C. swimming not so fast as
  15. ---Bob hates coffee. He never drinks it.
  ---But he likes drinking tea so much.
  A. doubts                     B. doesn’t like                  C. enjoys
  16. ---It is awful of you to laugh at the disabled.
  --- Sorry, I won’t do it again.
  A. very bad                    B. very nice                    C. wonderful  
  17. --- How do you like King of Glory(荣耀)?
  --- Since we are in Grade 9, we should stay away from this computer game.
  A. bot go near                  B. stay up for                   C. join in
  18. ---I suppose the new products will sell well.
  --- I agree.
  A. seem                       B. find                       C. think
  ii. 词语释义。
  19. A(n) _________ is a success in a struggle, war or competition.
  A. prison                      B. advantage                  C. victory
  20. ---We had better leave our friends alone to deal with their ________problems.
  ---I agree. It’s not good for us to ask single ladies why she hasn’t married.
  A. deaf                        B. embarrassing               C. personal
  21. ---Mum, I am in trouble. I don’t know what to do.
  ---Dear, don’ t worry. We can find a way to _______ the problem.
  A. answer                      B. see                        C. solve
  22. ---Do you need a hand?
  --- No, thanks. It’s a piece of cake. I can manage it _________.
  A. without difficulty              B. on business                 C. by heart
  23. ---Last summer, a lot of athletes went to Brazil to _________ the 2016 Rio Olympics.
  ---Yes, it’s a great Olympic game. I can still remember some exciting moments in the game.
  A. join in                       B. lead in                      C. take in
  24. ---Oh, I forgot to turn off the tap.
  ---The water must run over the sink and onto the floor now.
  A. run away                     B. run out of                   C. run into
  25. ---You seem to be on a diet. You want to be a model? You will never make it.
  ---______________. You should care more about your own life.
  A. I feel ashamed of you.           B. Your mother drives me mad.     C. It’s none of your business.
  Marco Polo, an Italian trader, was the most famous European to visit China in ancient China. He traveled on the Silk Road with his father and uncle, 26._________ China around 1275.
  Polo had learned several Asian languages in his travels, and Kubai Khan(忽必烈)sent him to many Chinese cities on government missions. Polo 27._______ the Great Khan well for 17 years. In 1292, the Polos left China and made the long journey back to 28._________. Later, during a war, Polo was captured and 29_________. In prison, he had time to tell the full story of his travels and 30._______. To his listeners, he spoke of China’s amazing cities, its 31._______ wealth, and the strange things he had seen there. Here is his 32._______of trade in Beijing:

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