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  • 更新时间: 2018/5/25 18:00:59
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  Every day when Cora Castle, from Indiana, US goes back home, she opens her computer and logs into (登录)a website called Fuel Up to Play 60.
  The ___1___ girl puts on what she has eaten and what kind of activities she ___2___ that day. Then the site decides ___3___Castle has eaten healthily and done enough exercise or not.
  All the seventh graders in Castle’s school have done ___4___ same thing since the year started. It’s part of their ___5___ class.
  If the site finds ___6___ habits are unhealthy, it ___7___ her advice. If she does ___8__, the website will give her a star.
  Her health teacher set up a competition ___9___ which student could get ___10___ stars from the website. Castle has got 30 stars so far.
  Cameron Bartlett said ___11___ she liked tracking (跟踪)the food and the activities. “This is the first year we’ve done it,” she said. “It’s really ___12___ to see all of the different choices that we have.”
  The seventh grade health class is coming to an end. They won’t be in health class, ___13___ the students all said that they would go on to take part in the Fuel Up to Play 60.
  “There ___14___ lots of bad food out there that we’ve all been eating,” Bartlett said. “This really helps all of us ___15___ healthier food.”
  1.  A. 14-year-old B. 14 year old   C. 14-years-old   D. 14-years old
  2.  A. played     B. plays         C. is playing      D. has played
  3.  A. if              B. when        C. whether        D. that
  4.  A. a              B. an           C. /              D. the
  5.  A. health        B. healthy        C. healthily       D. healthiness
  6.  A. she             B. her          C. herself      D. hers
  7.  A. gives           B. will give    C. gave       D. has given
  8.  A. anything good B.good anything C.something good D. good something
  9.  A. see           B. seen           C. saw           D. to see
  10.A. many          B. much           C. the more       D. the most
  11.A. which         B. when           C. where          D. /
  12.A. interesting  B.interested      C. interestingly    D. interest
  13.A. and            B. so              C. but           D. because
  14.A. is             B. are            C. was          D. were
  15.A. eat            B. eaten          C. ate          D. eating

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