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  • 更新时间: 2018/5/17 9:05:58
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  1. What ale the speakers talking about?
  A. Buying DVDs.       B. Renting DVDs.    C. Making DVDs.
  2. Where does the conversation probably take place?
  A. In a music hall.    B. Near the woods.   C. In a restaurant.
  3.How old is the mail now?
  A. Over 50.              B. Nearly 30.     C. About 20.
  4. What should the man have done first last night?
  A. He should have washed the dishes.
  B. He should have finished his homework.
  C. He should have walked his dog.
  5. What is the relationship between the two speakers?
  A. Brother and sister.   B. Husband and wife.    C. Father and daughter
  第二节(共15小题; 每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
  听下面5段对话或独自。每段对话或独自后有几个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独自前,你将有时间阅凑各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独自读两遍。
  6. Where did the boy go with his teacher?
  A. To his home.    B. To the classroom.    C. To the headmaster’s office.
  7. What do we know about the boy?
  A. He did something wrong.   B. He won a medal  C.He failed to hand in an essay
  8. Where has the woman been?
  A. To Florence.    B. To Milan.    C. To Rome
  9. What has the woman got in her suitcase?
  A. Shoos.      B. Stones.    C.  Books.
  It’s time for our annual 100+word—story Contest again. How do we pict the winners? Read our final choices last year below. After reading these. head over to Faceboobmit your own story to Reader’s Digest.
  1. WINNER: $1000  Lynne Momple  South Africa
  Mavis took one end and I the other and together we carefully moved the old bed through the bedroom door and the open balcony doors.We lifted it over the balustrade(扶手)into the hands of family members waiting below. Carrying it under the low Albizia branches, then past the loses, they gently put it down in the middle of the freshly mown lawn.
  Chantelle carried out the cotton sheets,the embroidered pillows, and finally the multi-coloured blanket her great-grandmother had knitted for me.
  Tonight. on her 90th birthday. my mother wants to sleep out under the stars.
  “We thought this story had a strong visual impact thanks to the rich selection of words. It is a deserving winner. ”
  2.RUNNER-UP: $250  Ritu  Hemnani Hong Kong
  Cope and Meera played together every day.”Race you to the garden !” Meera won.“I’m one step ahead!'
  Cope chased Meera around the trees. Then she wept “We’re moving away.” Cope’s heart broke. I will write to you.”
  For years they remembered. Then life pulled them apart. Yet neither one forgot.
  “It’s time for you to marry. ”Cope’s father said one day.“I have chosen a girt.”
  “I hope she’s sweet,”Cope prayed.
  Later,he lifted her veil(面纱).“Meera, it’s you!” ‘I guess I’m still one step ahead!”
  Meera smiled.
  “This entry tells a complete story. It conveys a rich tenderness and intimacy that has a lasting
  impact on the reader.”
  21. What is the purpose of the passage?
  A. To display some funny stories.    B. To encourage readers to contribute.    ’
  C. To advertise two awarded stories. D. To promote a story-telling contest
  22. In the opinion of the judges, the first story has a strong visual impact because of______.
  A. variety in word              B. creativity in style
  C. humour in language     D. flexibility in expression
  23. What is the second story about?
  A. It is a funny joke.            B. It is a fairy tale.
  C. It is a classic comedy.     D. It is a romantic story.
  Imagine a school where children and their parents face the horrors of gang violence right outside the gates. Imagine a school where 35 languages are spoken.Andrla ou is a teacher in such a schoo1. The school is in Brent,an inner city area of London.
  The winner of the Global Teacher Prize 2018 faced a daunting took when she joined the schoo1: the challenges of poverty, gang violence and drug abuse…But throughout the school and on the streets she is driving change.
  Andria is art teacher.“They’re powerful subjects.” she says. Through art, she’s able to develop pupils’ skills,improve th

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