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  • 更新时间: 2018/5/6 6:31:53
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  第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分30分)
  第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
  例:How much is the shirt?
  A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15.
  1. How are the two speakers going to the concert?
  A. By car. B. By bike. C. By bus.
  2. When will the man have his next driving lesson?
  A. On Friday. B. On Saturday. C. On Monday.
  3. What are the speakers going to do on Saturday?
  A. Go to the beach. B. Study history C. Play basketball.
  4. Why did the man come back late?
  A. He was stuck in a traffic jam.
  B. He did homework at John’s house.
  C. He played football with his friends.
  5. What is the woman doing?
  A. Offering the man some advice.
  B. Telling the man the bad news.
  C. Playing a joke on the man.
  第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
  6. What can we learn about the woman?
  A. She didn’t watch the football game.
  B. She is not interested in football.
  C. She doesn’t work hard.
  7. What are the speakers mainly talking about?
  A. A football player B. A football match. C. A football fan.
  8. What kind of pizza is the man ordering?
  第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)
  第一节 (共15题;每小题2分,满分30分)
  Public transport in New Zealand
  Buses are the cheapest and most common form of public transport available for travelling between towns and cities. Intercity and Nas are the two main providers of this service, and fares start from NZ$10.
  Although not public transport, hop-on hop-off buses are also a popular way to get around New Zealand, especially among backpackers. Choose your pass and map your route as you go along.
  Trains are not a common form of public transport in New Zealand; however there are three main train lines operated by KiwiRail; Auckland to Wellington (Northern Explorer), Picton to Christchurch (Coastal Pacific), and Christchurch to the West Coast (the TranzAlpine – considered one of the most scenic rail journeys in the world). Train tickets start from around NZ$49 per person.
  Ferries are popular for travel between the North and South Islands. The two major providers are interIslander and Bluebridge, and fares start at NZ$55 for foot passengers. Taking the ferry means you’ll experience the beautiful Marlborough Sounds on your way into or out of Picton.
  Ferry travel is also available between the mainland and New Zealand’s offshore islands, including Waiheke, Rangitoto and Great Barrier near Auckland city, and Stewart Island just below the South Island. In some coastal areas, ferries connect towns which are closer via water than via road – including Russell and Paihia in the Bay of Islands.
  Water taxis are smaller vessels which offer a scheduled service visiting the small ports that ferries can’t reach – handy for reaching out of the way hiking and mountain biking spots in places lieen Charlotte Sounds and Abel Tasman National Park.
  21. Intercity and Nas fares between cities and towns in New Zealand per person are ________.
  A. at least NZ$10 B. less than NZ$55
  C. around NZ$49 D. between NZ$10 and NZ$55
  22. According to the passage, we can know that KiwiRail ________.
  A. is a form of public transport B. operates three main travel lines
  C. is a popular way for backpackers D. runs between the North and South Islands
  23. The best way to travel between the main island and Great Barrier is to take ________.
  A. buses B. trains C. ferries D. water taxis
  I have an unusual hobby by keeping thousands of earthworms in my home. It sounds crazy, but there’s actually a very good reason. I live in a suburb(郊区)of Los Angeles, where people waste a lot and cause many environmental problems. Over time I have begun to feel unhappy living like that.
  I decided to see how simply I could live, so I stopped buying anything that came in a package or plastic bags. This helped somewhat, but there was still one big source of rubbish: food waste liit and vegetable peelings. It seemed a waste to throw them away. So that’s why I bought the worms.
  I knew that earthworms did a lot of work in the soil, but I didn’t think there was much for them to do in my apartment. After reading a boot how to recycle food waste into soil, I bought a big plastic box and filled it with dirt. Then I bought a kilogram of worms from a local fishing store and put them all into the box. I put the food waste I’d collected on top and put the cover on. That night I was so afraid the worms would escape and I would wap to find them all over the house.
  But that didn’t happen. What did happen was that the worms ate my food waste, digested it, and what came out was very rich soil!

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