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【创新设计】2017年高中英语必修五人教版单元检测(一) Word版含答案.doc
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  第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
  1.What is the man doing?
  A.Offering a suggestion.
  B.Making a request.
  C.Asking for permission.
  2.When will the film begin?
  A.7∶15.              B.7∶00.           C.6∶45.
  3.What does the woman think of her piano lessons?
  A.They are too boring.
  B.They are too easy.
  C.They are very rewarding.
  4.What does the woman want the man to do?
  A.Make a call.
  B.Hang up.
  C.Get off the train.
  5.Does the woman suggest baking the cakes for another ten minutes?
  A.Maybe.  B.No.  C.Certainly.
  6.Why does Linda ask her daddy to give her something?
  A.Because it will be cold soon.
  B.Because it is Linda’s birthday tomorrow.
  C.Because he has a lot of money.
  7.What does Linda’s father want to buy for her at first?
  A.A new coat.
  B.A new dictionary.
  C.A mobile phone.
  8.What will the two speakers do this afternoon?
  A.Have dinner together.
  B.Buy a birthday cake.
  C.Go to the supermarket.
  9.What does the woman have to do?
  A.Meet Alice and Bill.
  B.See a movie.
  C.Do all her homework.
  10.What can we know about the man?
  A.He never went to school.
  B.He learned at school a long time ago.
  C.He wasn’t good at study.
  11.Where are the two speakers?
  A.In the office.
  B.In a car.
  C.At school.
  12.Why is the man sleepy?
  A.He didn’t sleep well last night.
  B.He didn’t sleep at all last night.
  C.He slept late last night.
  13.What’s wrong with the man’s father?
  A.He has some trouble with his heart.
  B.He has a bad cough.
  C.He has a chest pain.
  14.What does the woman advise the man to do?
  A.Take more medicine.
  B.Do some exercise.
  C.Ask for leave.
  15.What’s the most possible relationship between the two speakers?
  B.Brother and sister.
  C.Husband and wife.
  16.How long did the man stay in Hong Kong?
  A.10 days.               B.15 days.           C.20 days.
  17.Why couldn’t the woman get in touch with the man when he was in Hong Kong?
  A.Because he didn’t have a telephone.
  B.Because his telephone number was changed.
  C.Because he didn’t want to answer her call.
  18.What did Rosemary’s father do that day?
  A.He went to look for his wife.
  B.He prepared meals for his parents.
  C.He took his wife to hospital.
  19.What happened to Rosemary?
  A.She lost her parents.
  B.She lost her hands.
  C.She lost her legs.
  20.Which of the following words can be used to describe Rosemary?
  答案 1.B 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.B 6.B 7.B
  8.C 9.C 10.B 11.B 12.B 13.A 14.C 15.A
  Period Four Grammar & Writing
  1.His father seems pleased (please) with his results.
  2.Don’t drinted(pollute) water,because it carries some disease.
  3.Some of the people invited(invite) to the party couldn’t come.
  4.There is a car parked(partside the house.
  5.We were inspired(inspire) by the inspiring(inspire) news.
  6.Why are you looking so disappointed(disappoint)?
  7.With his broken (break) English, he can’t make himself understood.
  8.Did you attend the meeting held(hold) yesterday?
  9.When he saw the letter, he became excited(excite).
  10.The first textbook written(write) for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century.
  1.Mrs.White showed her students some old maps________from the library.
  A.to borrow        B.to be borrowed       C.borrowed       D.borrowing
  答案 C
  解析 句意为:怀特老师给学生们看了一些从图书馆里借aps与borrow之间是逻辑上的被动关系,由句中的动词showed可知此动作已经发生,可排除不定式短语作后置定语,即可排除A、B两项;D项表示主动或进行,也不符合语境;C项表示被动或完成,符合语境。
  2.In April,thousands of holidaymakers remained______abroad due to the volcanic ash cloud.
  A.sticking         B.stuck               C.to be stuck      D.to have stuck
  答案 B
  解析 句意为:四月份,由于火山灰云的影响,成千上万的度假者被滞留在海外。空格处用过去分词stuck表示“被卡住”,引申为“被滞留”,符合句意;现在分词表示动作正在进行;动词不定式表示将要发生的动作,不符合句意。
  3.So far nobody has claimed the money________in the library.
  A.discovered      B.to be discovered     C.discovering     D.having discovered
  答案 A
  解析 句意为:迄今为止,没有人认领在图书馆里发现的钱。本题考查非谓语动词作定语,因discover与money之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,故用过去分词作定语。
  4.I’m calling to enquire about the position________in yesterday’s China Daily.
  A.advertised      B.to be advertised     C.advertising      D.having advertised
  答案 A
  解析 句意为:我打电话来咨询一下有关昨天在《中国日报》上刊登广告(招聘)的职位。advertised...是过去分词短语作后置定语,被修饰词position与advertise是被动关系。
  5.A great number of students________said they were forced to practise the piano.
  A.to question      B.to be questioned    C.questioned      D.questioning
  答案 C
  解析 句意为:许多被调查的学生说,他们是被迫练习弹钢琴的。句中空格处作定语,修饰名词students,且二者之间是被动关系,可排除A、D两项;而B项不定式是表示将来的被动,与句中said的时态不符,故选C项。
  6.Don’t use words or phrases ________ only to people with specific knowledge.
  A.being known   B.having been known       C.to be known     D.known
  答案 D
  解析 句意为:不要用那些只有专业人士才认识的单词或短语。words or phrases应是被认识,因此,应用过去分词known作后置定语表示被动。
  7.Mr.Smith,________of the________speech,started to read a novel.
  A.tired;boring    B.tiring;bored          C.tired;bored     D.tiring;boring
  答案 A
  解析 过去分词修饰的是人,现在分词修饰的是物,所以此题选择A。
  8.The pilot asked all the passengers on board to remain________as the plane was making a landing.
  A.seat            B.seating               C.seated          D.to be seating
  答案 C
  解析 seated在这儿起形容词的作用,作remain的表语,“保持原来的状态”。
  9.This is the problem________so quickly last evening.
  A.having been settled                         B.settle
  C.be settled                                 D.settled
  答案 D
  解析 句子的表语the problem和settle之间存在着动宾关系,此处考查的是过去分词作后置定语的用法。
  10.I don’t know the girl________in the storm.
  A.to catch              B.caught          C.catching        D.to be catching
  答案 B
  解析 句子的宾语the girl和catch之间存在着动宾关系,此处考查的是过去分词作后置定语的用法。
  Unit 1 Great scientists
  Period One Warming Up & Reading
  1.John Snow was a famous doctor in London—so expert, indeed, that he attended Queen Victoria as her personal physician.
  2.This was the deadly disease of its day.
  3.A cloud of dangerous gas floated around until it found its victims.
  4.The second suggested that people absorbed this disease into their bodies with their meals.
  5.As the disease spread quickly through poor neighbourhoods, he began to gather information.
  6.He discovered that these people worked in the pub at 7 Cambridge Street.
  7.Next, John Snow looked into the source of the water for these two streets.
  8.Soon afterwards the disease slowed down.
  9.In another part of London, he found supporting evidence from two other deaths that were linked to the Broad Street outbreak.
  10.With this extra evidence John Snow was able to announce with certainty that polluted water carried the virus.
  1.Neither its cause nor its cure was understood.
  翻译 人们既不知道它的病源,也不了解它的治疗方法。
  仿写 他和我都不打算去参加这次会议。
  2.So many thousands of terrified people died every time there was an outbreak.
  翻译 每次爆发霍乱时,就有大批惊恐的老百姓死亡。
  仿写 我每次去北京都会去参观长城。
  3.He knew that cholera would never be controlled until its cause was found.
  翻译 他知道,直到找到病源,霍乱才能控制住。
  仿写 我亲眼所见后才会相信他的话。
  4.It seemed that the water was to blame.
  翻译 看来霍乱的流行要归罪于饮用水了。
  仿写 好像那次交通事故应该怪司机。
  5.To prevent this from happening again, John Snow suggested that the source of all the water supplies be examined.
  翻译 为了防止这种情况再度发生,约翰•斯诺建议,所有水源都要经过检测。
  仿写 我建议他改天再来。
  1.Who ________ a theory about black holes?                  
  A.put forward       B.put down        C.put away         D.put off
  答案 A
  解析 put forward提出(意见、方案等),符合题意。put down放下,记下,镇压;put away把……收拾放好;put off推迟,关上(电灯、电器等)。
  2.They have discussed the plan for a long time, but they haven’t ________ a conclusion.
  A.arrived          B.come          C.drawn            D.reached to
  答案 C
  解析 arrive at/come to/draw/reach a conclusion“得出结论”。
  3.But he became ________ when he thought about helping ordinary people ________ to cholera.
  A.inspired;exposing                    B.inspired;exposed
  C.inspiring;exposing                   D.inspiring;exposed
  答案 B
  解析 inspired“受到鼓舞的”,常用于修饰人,inspiring“鼓舞人心的,令人振奋的

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