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  英  语
  第二部分    阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
  第一节  (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
  “These patients deserve a chance at a normal, happy future and they rely on the kindness of strangers to make that happen.”
  —Daisy, Isabelle's Mother
  Isabelle is the daughter of Daisy and Saman Mirzaei. In January 2008 Isabelle was diagnosed (诊断) with a genetic blood disorder, beta thalassemia. Isabelle's body is unable to produce healthy red blood cells. As a result, Isabelle has been receiving blood transfusions (输血) every 4-6 weeks since she was 11 months old. A lifetime of regular transfusions can lead to serious medical problems. Her only chance at a normal, healthy life is to have a marrow transplant. Isabelle is an only child, so doctors have started a search for an unrelated marrow donor through the Be The Match Registry. The Mirzaei family asks that you consider helping patients like Isabelle by registering to be a marrow donor and give the gift of life, the gift of blood.
  Held at Wiley Hall
  Wednesday, March 26,2014
  Behind Heathman Dormitory/Butterfield Rd.
  12:00 PM-6:00 PM
  Don't forget to bring your driver's license or another form of identification when you donate.
  Visit www. ribc. org to make an appointment, Sponsor Code 3390.
  FREE Kingston Pizza ! ! !
  Marrow Donors:                                          BE THE MATCH
  •be 18 to 44 years old                                             bethematch. org
  •in good health
  •give a swab (化验标本) of your cheek cells for marrow typing
  •FREE — sponsored (赞助) by Michael's Fund
  www. ribc. org   800-283- 8385
  The Rhode Island Blood Center distributes blood products to hospitals in Rhode Island and Southern New England.
  1.We can learn from the passage that ________.
  A.the blood drive is organized by Isabelle's mother
  B.Isabelle receives blood transfusions regularly
  C.Isabelle has been ill for 11 months
  D.doctors will sponsor Isabelle's family
  2.Those who want to help patients like Isabelle can ________.
  A.come to Wiley Hall every Wednesday
  B.visit www. ribc. org for an appointment their parents at 800­283­8385 at hospitals in Rhode Island
  3.To be a marrow donor, you must ________. a relative of the patient
  B.carry a driver's license at least 18 years old
  D.apply to Michael's Fund
  In the mid­1950s, I was a somewhat bored early­adolescent male student who believed that doing any more than necessary was wasted effort. One day, this approach threw me into embarrassment.
  In Mrs. Totten's eighth­grade math class at Central Avenue School in Anderson, Indiana, we were learning to add and subtract d

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