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  命题人:杨琼珍           审题人:
  考试时长(100)分钟 总分: 120分
  (  )1.How does Li Juan study English?
  A                          B                     C
  (  )2.What does Wang Mei look like?
  A                          B                     C
  (  )3.What’s the girl’s dream?
  A                         B                        C
  (  )4.What is the the man talking about?
  A                        B                       C
  (  )5.Which picture is the speaker talking about?
  A                      B                         C
  (  )6.What’s  the relationship between the two speakers?
  A. Mother and daughter.  
  B. Policeman and woman driver.   
  C. Father and daughter
  (  )7. When will the boy finish his homework?
  A. At 5:30                B. At 5:00               C. At 6:00           
  (  )8. Does the man know how potato chips were invented?
  A. Yes, he does           B. No,he doesn’t       C. We don’t know      
  (  )9. Where are they talking?
  A. At home              B.At a shop             C. At a restaurant.      
  (  )10. Where is the City Library?
  A. Next to a bookshop.   B. At the second crossing.    C. Along the street.
  (  )11.How is the man’s city now?
  A. Old and dirty          B. Old but clean          C. Clean and nice   
  (  )12. When did the city begin to change?
  A. 20 years ago .         B. 10 years ago          C. 12 years ago        
  (  )13. What are they getting ready for?
  A. Teachers’ Day.          B. Children’s Day.      C. Women’s Day
  (  )14. Where will the party be held ?
  A. In the office            B. In the factory.         C. In the classroom. 
  (  )15. Who will the students have the party with?
  A. Their parents           B. Their teachers        C. Their friends          
  (  )16.The rich man want to _______.
  A. be richer              B. be happy           C. be a farmer          
  (  )17._______ told the rich man how to be happy.
  A. A clever old man.     B. A poor man        C. A bright young man    (  )18.The rich man found the poor farmer _____-. his country.        B. on the way home     C. on a farm
  (  )19. The poor farmer gave the rich man _______.
  A. nothing                B. a shirt          C. a good  idea
  (  )20 .______ felt happy in the passage.
  A. The rich man        B. The farmer      C. The clever old man
  D.听填信息(本大题5题,每小题2 分共10分) 本题听两遍
  Where Jack worked In a small  (21) ____________.
  Where to go An office in (22) ____________.
  How to go there By (23) ___________.
  How long he found the office More than (24) __________.
  Who helped him the second time (25) ___________
  (  )26. --She will be ___ great actress in the future.
  --Yes. She was born with ___ ability to act.   
  A. a;a             B. a ; the          C. the; an           

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