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2016年4扬州市高三英语二轮研讨会开课:v.2_报刊教学_省常州高级中学_钱冬梅 教学设计+课件(18张ppt)+素材 (18)(3份打包)
  Teaching Plan
  Teacher’s name: Qian Dongmei
  Students: Senior 2 from Yangzhou High School of Jiangsu Province
  Time: 2:55~3:40 pm April 6th, 2016
  Type of the lesson: Intensive and Extensive Reading
  Learning material: 21st Century Senior 2 Edition•Teens•Issue 31-32
  Teaching objectives: 
  Students are supposed to be able to
  1. review the reading strategy for newspaper articles
  2. read the newspaper critically
  3. build up positive attitude towards life and be an active citizen
  Teaching procedures:
  I. Lead-in (5 min)
  1. Talt this issue of newspaper
  2. Review the reading strategy
  II. Guided-reading “Panic over vaccines” (15 min)
  1. Read the main idea by the strategy
  2. Read between the lines by using examples
  3. Highlight the value of being critical and the way of drawing inferences
  4. Highlight the importance of being active
  III. Selected-reading (10 min)
  Focus on the 2 questions --“What is the main idea?”
                    --“What is your critical thinking?”
  Choose 5 articles as selected reading tasks
(1)Winner keeps trying
  (2)Social media life changes
  (3)Heroes ready to face off
  (4)Moving with thoughts
  (5)Chase without fear
  IV. Sharing (10 min)
  1. Share students’ ideas
  2. Highlight the human interest (possible)
  VI. Summary (5 min)
  Call for being an active reader and an active
  Students’ Sheet
  1. Choose one passage you like.
   Winner keeps trying(P1)
   Social media life changes(P3)
   Heroes ready to face off(P5)
   Moving with thoughts(P5)
   Chase without fear(P6)
  2. What’s the main idea?
  3. What is your critical thinking?

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