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  • 更新时间: 2016/5/21 8:42:31
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  (满分:150分 ; 时间:120分钟)
  第一节  听下面6段短对话,回答第6至11小题。
  (    )6. Where does the woman want to go?
  A. The bookstore.          B. The post office.          C. The station.
  (    )7.What's Jack doing?
  A. He's flying a kite.    B.He's taking a photo.    C.He's riding a bike.
  (    )8. What color are Tom's pants?
  A. White.               B.Black.                C.Blue.
  (    )9. How often does the boy write to his parents?
  A. Every day.          B.Once a week.            C.Once a month.
  (    ) 10. What's the relationship between the two speakers?
  A. Mother and son.    B.Husband and wife.        C.Boss and worker.
  (    ) 11. Why didn't the man answer the phone?
  A.  He wasn't in.      B.  He was washing his hair.    C.  He didn't want to answer it.
  第二节  听下面三段长对话,每段对话后各有三个问题,选择最佳选项回答问题。
  (    )  12. Where did Darren meet Rose?
  A. In France.    B.In China.    C.In Germany.
  (    )  13. Who is Rose?
  A. Eve's classmate.    B.  Eve's pen pal.    C.  Eve's cousin
  (    ) 14. What did Darren bring for Rose?
  A.  A piece of news.    B. A Barbie doll.        C. A toy house.
  (    )  15. When did Bill begin to work as a volunteer?
  A. One year ago.    .    B.Two years ago.     C. Three years ago.
  (    ) 16.  Why did Bill go to Hawaii in 2013?
  A. To go for a trip.    B.To be a teacher.        C. To be a volunteer.
  (    )  17. What does Bill need to do at once?
  A. Help old people.    B.Learn to surf.          C.  Fill out the form.
  (    ) 18. Which cinema is the closest?
  A. Yangguang Cinema.    B.Dadi Cinema.      C. Wanda Cinema
  (    ) 19. What's the time now?
  A.8:10.                B.8:30.           C. 8:50.
  (    ) 20.  How will they go to the cinema?
  A. On foot              B. By taxi.           C. By bus.
  C. 根据你所听到的短文内容,选择正确答案。(短文读两遍)
  (   ) 21. The old man sold the horse__________ .
  A. in the town       B. in the street     C. in the market
  (   ) 22. The old man gave the boy some ________ .  
  A. money            B. bread          C. candy
  (   ) 23. There was something wrong with the horse's__________ after selling the horse.
  A.ears             B.eyes          C.legs   
  (   ) 24 . The boy looked at the horse slowly because he ___________ .
  A.  liked it a lot       B.  wanted to buy it         C. never saw a horse before
  (   ) 25. According to the story, the old man is a  _________ man.
  A. rude           B. friendly             C. dishonest
  A Patient's Personal Information
  Name    Martin Brown
  Age  26.              years old
  Job  27.a             
  Address 28. 301,          Road                 
  Telephone Number 29.      __________
  Medical History 30. a             disease three years ago
  (   )31. There's a box in the room. __________box is very heavy.
  A. A                 B. An             C. The
  (   )32. Our new English teacher is a pretty lady__________long hair.
  A. with                 B. for .                  C. at
  (   )33.In winter, we can wear _________to r hands warm.
  A. shoes                 B. socks               C. gloves
  (   )34.This kind of fruit is ________seen in Zhangzhou because it grows in rainforests and is hard to find.
  A. often                 B. seldom              C. always
  (   )35. After a week's rest, Lisa felt much ________and went back to school.
  A. good              B. better                C. better    
  (   )36. ——Can I wear my jeans to school?
  ——No, you  ________ wear school uniforms. That's the school rule.
  A. must                B. may               C. can    
  (   )37. ——Thousands of people lost their lives in the accident .
  ——Sorry to hear that.  _______bad news!
  A. What a           B. What                 C. How
  (   )38. ——How much does it _______to Mount Tai by plane?
  ——It needs about 200 dollars.
  A. cost              B. take               C. spend
  (   )39.  The little girl finished her cake and asked for ________ one .
  A. other              B. another                C. the other

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