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  姓名____________  准考证号__________
  Ⅰ. 听力测试:(每小题1分,计30分)
  第一节  听下面6段短对话,回答第6至11小题。
  6. Which sport does Mary like better?
  A. Cycling.    B. Skating.    C. Swimming.
  7. What does the woman want?
  A. Milk.     B. Coke.      C. Coffee.
  8. What’s the matter with the woman?
  A .She has a backache .   B. she has a toothache.   C. She has a headache.
  9. Who made the telephone call just now?
  A. Sally.         B. Sally’s brother.       C. Sally's father.
  10. Why was Betty late this morning?
  A .Because her bike was broken. B .Because she had a traffic accident. C .Because she broke the traffic rules.
  11. Which bus can the man take to the zoo?
  A.No.138.        B. No.308.           C No.318.
  第二节  听下面三段长对话,每段对话后各有三个问题,选择最佳选项回答问题。
  12. Where did Mr. Smith lose his bag?
  A. In the bookstore.   B. In the supermarket.   C. At the police station.   
  13.What color is Mr. Smith’s bag?
  A.Red.         B. Brown.           C. Black.
  14. What’s in the bag?
  A. A wallet.       B. A book.          C. A mobile phone.
  15. What’s Miss Green’s new job ?
  A. A student.       B.A teacher.        C. A driver. 
  16. What time must she arrive in the afternoon on weekdays?
  A. At 2:15 p.m.    B. At 2:30 p.m    C. At 2:45 p.m.
  17.How many days will she have for her holidays every week?
  A. Four.           B .Three.          C.  Two.
  18. What did the woman advise the man to do at first?
  A .cook food.    B. To clean the room.    C .To talk with old people。
  19. Where did the man go at last?
  A .To a school     B .To a children’s home.  C. To an old people's home.
  20. How often should he work at least?
  A. Once a week.    B .Twice a week.      C. Three times a week.
  21. The farmer took fl bag of _______to a town one day.
  A. fruit             B. rice           C. salt
  22. The poor farmer lived _________ .
  Ⅱ. 单项选择(每小题1分,计15分)
  31. I was born ______September 15th,1998.
  A. at          B .on          C. in
  32. ----Liu Mei can speak Japanese so well ! Who taught her?
  ----Nobody . She taught_________ .   
  A. her      B. hers         C. herself
  33. He had a bad cold , _______ he kept on working as usual.
  A. her        B. but          C though
  34. As the saying goes,the moon________ always be full .

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