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  Ⅰ. 听力测试:(每小题1分,计20分)
  1.            2.            3.            4.            5.         
  第一节 听五段短对话,每段对话后各有一个问题。
  (  ) 6. What does the man want to buy?
  A. A tie.                  B. A scarf.                C. A sweater.
  (  ) 7. What would the man like to drink?
  A. Coffee.                 B. Water.                C. Tea.
  (  ) 8. Who will go on a trip to Guilin?
  A. Mr. Green.              B. Tom.                  C. Tom’s father.
  (  ) 9. How much will the man pay?
  A. 4 yuan.                 B. 6 yuan.               C. 12 yuan.
  (  ) l0. Where are they talking?
  A. In the school.            B. In a hotel.              C. In a bank.
  第二节 听两段长对话,每段对话后配有2-3个问题。
  (  ) l l. What are they going to do this evening?
  A. To eat out.               B. To buy some food.       C. To have dinner at home.
  (  ) l2. What kind of food will they have?
  A. Sichuan food.              B. Fast food.             C. Guangdong food.
  (  ) l3. How much does it cost to fly to Beijing from Shanghai?
  A. 800 yuan.               B. 900 yuan.              C. 1800 yuan.
  (  ) l4. When will they leave Shanghai?
  A. At 9:00 a.m..            B. At 9:30 a.m..            C. At 9:30 p.m..
  (  ) l5. How many tickets will the man book?
  A. One         .         B. Three.                  C. Four.
  School Librarians Needed
  The number of helpers Three.
  Working Time 16.         hours a day, 5 days a week, 4 weeks
  Request(要求) Be able to read simple 17.         and Chinese.
  Be good at 18.         .
  No pay for the job, but get eight 19.         as a present.
  For more information See Mr. Wang on the 20.         floor, any lunchtime.
  (  ) 2l. Taiwan Island is       the southeast of China.
  A. On                B. To                 C. in
  (  ) 22. ―How do you like the movie?
  ―It’s so       . I don’t like it at all.
  A. interesting          B. boring              C. amazing
  (  ) 23. ―Good evening, sir! Here is the       . You can order anything you’d like.
  A. money              B. bill               C. menu
  (  ) 24. I moved to Qingdao a year ago. And now I live as       as before .
  A. happily             B. More happily        C. Most happily
  (  ) 25. My mother makes me       my bedroom every day.
  A. To clean            B. cleaning           C. clean
  (  ) 26. Table tennis is       an interesting game that people all over the world play it.
  A.such                   B. so              C. quite

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