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  • 资源类别: 人教版 / 高中试卷 / 高二上学期试卷
  • 文件类型: doc, mp3
  • 资源大小: 3.44 MB
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  • 更新时间: 2016/1/19 20:52:43
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
  • 下载情况: 本月:获取中 总计:获取中
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  说明:本试卷满分150分 时间120分钟
  1. How long will the woman work a day?
  A. Eight hours B. Nine hours C. Seven hours
  2. What are the speakers talking about?
  A. The sports B. The plans C. The weather
  3. What will the man do tomorrow?
  A. Have fun at the beach
  B. Have classes
  C. Go for a ride with the woman
  4. Where does the conversation take place?
  A. At the bus stop B. On a bus C. In a car
  5. What does the man want the woman to help to do?
  A. Open the door for him B. Look for the key to the door C. Hold the packages
  6. How long has the dog been ill?
  A. For about two days B. For about three days C. For about four days
  7. What does the man advise the woman to do?
  A. To take the dog to the hospital
  B. To walk the dog outside for a while
  C. To give the dog little food
  8. How did the woman know the result?
  A. By watching TV at home.
  B. By listening to the radio.  
  C. By watching the game by herself.
  9. When is the man’s next match?
  A. On Friday this week B. On Monday this week C. On Monday next week
  10. Where does this conversation take place?
  A. At a restaurant B. At a police station C. At a wallet shop
  11. Who paid the bill?
  A. The man B. The man’s friend C. The woman
  12. What can we learn from the conversation?
  A. The man is sure he took his wallet out.
  B. The table has been empty since the man left.
  C. The man left 2 hours ago.
  13. What is the relationship between the speakers?
  A. Brother and sister B. Classmates C. Father and daughter
  14. Which item did the woman buy by her credit card?
  A. Some DVDs and a DVD player.
  B. A TV and a DVD player.
  C. A digital camera and a TV.
  15. Why does the woman obtain a student credit card?
  A. She wants to buy things at a discount.
  B. She hopes to establish a good credit rating.
  C. She doesn’t want to borrow money from her parents.
  16. In the man’s opinion, what is the problem of having a credit card?
  It was unusually quiet in the emergency room on December 25.
  I was the nurse on duty that day. I didn’t think there would be any patients, sighing about having to work on Christmas. Just then five bodies showed up at my desk, a pale woman and four small children.

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