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  • 更新时间: 2015/9/7 19:33:33
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  1. Daily _______ (supply) were sent to children in poor areas.
  2. The ___________(面试者) for the job is a graduate from Peniversity.
  3. - Don’t worry, Mum. The doctor said it was only the flu!
  - What a ________ !(真欣慰) I’ll tell Dad there’s nothing serious !
  4. Jiuzhaigou attracts tens of thousands of visitors by its beautiful natural s_________ .
  5. It was difficult to know her because she always kept everyone at a ___________. (距离)
  6. The girl is always __________ (energy) as though she never knows tiredness.
  7. Read the i____________(说明)on the bottle carefully before taking the medicine.
  8. The trip to Paris was so ___________ (印象深刻的) that the girl went back to Paris again.
  9. To the ____________(amaze) of these scientists ,they discovered that blood passing through the brain, when it is active, shows no fatigue at all!
  10. The homeless children ______________ (感激) receiving your gifts on Christmas Eve.
  11. The mother is _________ (耐心的) with her children, and she always speaks in patience.
  12. Tom appeared __________ (放松) and confident before the match, and to our excitement, he got the first place in it.
  13. No one is allowed to leave early without ___________. (permit).
  14. High school students should learn to develop their ____________ (独立) thinking.
  15.One __________ (优势,好处) of living in the countryside is the clean and fresh air.
  16. I realized he had been doing what music teachers stress: c____________ on the music and pretend the others aren’t there.
  17. After the meal, she placed a little box __________ (contain) an old pen in my hand.
  18.Besides,without much experience, it’s easy for us to make bad friends and be __________ (影响) to do stupid things.
  19. The headmaster made a ___________ (结论) at the end of speech contest.
  20. Beijing has built many sports centers, which have the latest _________(设施).
  21. The professor mixed milk with cola and asked the students to taste the m_________.
  22. It is no use _____________(抱怨) about the bad weather.
  23. Please state your name, age and ___________(occupy).
  24. Only very rich people can ________ to buy the expensive private apartments and stay in the hotel.

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