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  • 更新时间: 2014/12/3 12:29:09
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  第Ⅰ卷 (选择题)
  第一节  (共5小题:每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
  例:How much is the shirt ?
  A.$19.15. B.$9.18 C.$9.15              答案是C.
  1. What is the man, most probably?
  A. A shop assistant.     B. A bank clerk.     C. A travel agent
  2. What do we know about the man?
  A. He was about 20 minutes late.
  B. He felt sad that the movie had begun.
  C. He didn’t mind that the woman was late.
  3. What will the speakers do?
  A. Adopt a pet.     B. Volunteer in an animal shelter.   C. Go to a pet store.
  4. When will the woman’s car be ready?
  A. By 200 pm.    B. By 300 pm.     C. By 230 pm.
  5. With whom will the woman spend the weekend?
  A. Her grandma on her mother’s side.
  B. Her grandma on her father’s side.
  C. Her grandpa on her father’s side.
  6. Where does the woman probably work?
  A. At a hotel.     B. On a farm.    C. At a gas station.
  7. What is the last thing the man asks the woman to do?
  A. Introducing him to Henry Brown.
  B. Telling him how to take the short cut.
  C. Telling him more about Henry Brown.
  8. What is the woman doing?
  A. Asking about some new words.
  B. Giving the man a word quiz.
  C. Asking about houses in America.
  9. What kind of home does the man live in now?
  A. Bungalow.     B. Apartment.     C. Mansion.
  10. What is the man sad about?
  A. Paris isn’t as good as he expected.
  B. He forgot to get off the train in Paris.
  C. He left his digital camera on the train.
  11. Why will the woman go to the train station tomorrow?
  A. To pick up a customer there.
  B. To see the man off.
  C. To visit her customer there.
  12. When will the man go back to the US?
  第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分 )
  “Don't worry if you have problems!” It is easy to say until you are in the midst of a really big one. The only people who don't have troubles are gathered in little neighborhoods. Most communities have at least one. We call them cemeteries. If you're breathing, you have difficulties. It's the way of life. And believe it or not, most of your problems may actually be good for you! Let me explain.
  Maybe you have heard the Great Barrier Reef, stretching some 1,800 miles from New Guinea to Australia. Tour guides regularly take visitors to view the reef.
  On one tour, a traveler asked the guide an interesting question. "I notice that the lagoon (泻湖) side of the reef looks pale and lifeless, while the ocean side is vibrant and colorful," the traveler observed. Why is this?
  The guide gave an interesting answer, "The coral around the lagoon side is in still water, with no challenge for its survival. It dies early. The coral o

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