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  高一年级英语试卷(本试卷满分150分) 命题人:  许 蕾 
  第I卷   选择题( 105分)
  听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
  1. How hot will it get today?
  A. 90 degrees.                 B. 70 degrees.                 C. 60 degrees.
  2. What is the woman studying?
  A. Music.                     B. Math.                     C. History.
  3. How long did it take the woman to finish the test?
  A. Within half an hour.          B. About one hour.             C. One and a half hours.
  4. What will the speakers do?
  A. Finish a report.              B. Go for a walk.              C. Borrow some books.
  5. Whose birthday is it?
  A. The man’s.                 B. Aunt Carol’s.               C. Mary’s.【来源:21•世纪•教育•网】
  6. What does the man think of the food in the French restaurant?
  A. It is boring.                B. It is expensive.              C. It is fresh.
  7. Where is the Spanish restaurant?
  A. In a mall.                 B. On 5th Street.               C. Near the woman’s apartment.
  8. What did the woman get on her test?
  A. An A.                   B. A C+                       C. An F.
  9. How will the woman’s parents probably feel?
  A. Angry.                   B. Happy.                     C. Understanding.
  10. What is the man thinking about?
  A. Books he is going to read next.   B. Being alone on an island.    C. Travelling at sea with the woman.
  11. What would the woman choose to have with her?
  A. A boat.                        B. Tools.                   C. Food and water.
  12. What kind of boold the man want?
  A. One that is easy to read.            B. A very short one.         C. One that he won’t get bored of reading.
  13. What is the man doing in the beginning?
  A. Fixing his computer.               B. Writing an essay.           C. Playing the game.
  14. What is the relationship between the speakers?
  A. Friends.                         B. Teacher and student.         C. Brother and sister.
  15. What was the man studying before?
  A. Computers.                      B. Biology.                   C. History.
  16. Why does the woman agree to stay?
  A. The man told her he made the game.   B. She needs help in a class project.      C. They will take a walk together.
  听第10段材料,回答第17至20 题
  17. What is Muhammad Ali known as?
  A. A great boxing teacher.        B. One of the best Olympic athletes.       C. The greatest boxer ever.
  18. How old was Ali When the bicycle event happened?
  A. 12.                B. 10.           C. 8
  19. Who was Joe Martin?
  A. A police officer.              B. The person who stole Ali’s bike.         C. Ali’s father.
  20. Where did Ali go in 1960?
  A. cky.                    B. Italy.                      C. New York City.
  第二部分 阅读理解(共两节, 满分30分)
  第一节 (共10小题; 每小题2分, 满分20分)
  “Don’t worry! Lots of kids have moved here and made new friends,” my new teacher told me. “Oh, and don’t be concerned about your braces (矫正器). Almost everyone has them here.”
  Even my new teacher thought I was a nerd (弱者), and he hadn’t even known me for five minutes. If my teacher thought that, I couldn’t imagine what the rest of class were going to think.
  I wondered what kind of speech he gave them about me, “The new girl.” He probably made it sound like I was a nerd whose dad just died and everyone should be nice to me.
  I wish I was back with my friends at my old school, where everyone knew me.
  The bell rang, and the class poured in. Maybe if I didn’t move, they wouldn’t see me. Oh, well, it was a nice try. Everyone looked at me as if I were some kind of alien (外星人).
  At that moment, a beautiful girl walked in and said with a sweet smile, “Hi, my name is Alicia.”
  “Um, I’m Annie,” I said.
  She made a face and said, “Hi, Annie. You can sit with us at lunch today if you want.”
  “Maybe this new school wouldn’t be so bad after all,” I thought.
  21. How did the writer feel when she first came to this school?
  A. Excited.        B. Proud.              C. Worried.               D. Calm.
  22. Alicia came to the writer to______.
  A. invite her for dinner    B. welcome her friendly     C. give support to her    D. ask her to buy lunch
  23. The writer’s life in the new school would probably be________.
  A. better than expected    B. very difficult           C. even worse      D. lonely and boring

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