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  • 更新时间: 2014/3/15 12:22:15
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  第Ⅰ卷   选择题  (共85分)
  第二部分   英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
  第一节  单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)
  21. Jumping out of ___ airplane at a height of 5000 kilometers is ___ unforgettable experience.           
  A. an ;  a           B. an ; an           C. an ;  /        D. a ;  an
  22.It being Sunday, rather than ______ at home, I preferred _______ .
  A stay; to travel     B to stay; to travel     C stay; travel    D to stay; traveling
  23.        at failing in the maths exam,John wouldn't like to talt it to his parents.
  A.Disappointing    B.Having disappointed   C.Disappointed   D.To be disappointed
  24.—How can I wap so early?
  —Set the alarm for 5 o'clock, ______ you'll make it.
  A.but  B.or
  C.and  D.So
  25.Not once has she given in to any difficulty in her life and that's _____ she is a strong­willed woman.
  A.why  B.when
  C.because  D.where
  26.So _______ that everybody wants to take a photo with him.
  A.a well­known man he is
  B.well­known he is a man
  C.a well­known man is he
  D.well­known a man is he
  27. By the time Mr Wang returned home from Beijing, his son's wedding _______.
  A.ended         B.has ended
  C.had been ending  D.had ended
  28.—Are you satisfied with the answer?
  —Not at all. It couldn't have been ______.
  A.worse  B.so bad
  C.better  D.the worst
  29. Our teacher always speaks slowly and clearly in class _____.
  A.so as to be understood  B.to have understood
  C.so as to understand  D.to understand
  30. —How was that?
  —I was chatting on line _____ the power went out.
  A. because  B. while   C. as    D. when 
  31. Mr. Smith, ______ in the factory for thirty years, is on the way back to his village.
  A.to work  B.working
  C.to have worked  D.having worked
  32. The big snow caused great _______to the people living in the south of China,________some of them homeless.
  A.destroy;left  B.damage;leaving
  C.ruin;having left  D.wound;leaving
  33.We're all ready to put it into operation. ______, we're going to take action as fast as possible.
  A.In total  B.In general
  C.In conclusion  D.In other words
  34. Mr. Liu is very ______ with his students as he always tries to make his classes lively and interesting.
  A.familiar  B.popular
  C.similar  D.particular
  35. —I found the mark rather frightening.
  —______ It frightened me to death just now.
  A.That's reasonable advice.      B.Isn't it a good idea?      
  C.Do you think so              D.I can't agree more.
  第二节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
  Henry was not  36 at math. Even when the teacher explained something a second time, he still couldn’t __37__ it.
  “Never mind. I’ll sit   38 the boy who’s the best at __39_,” Henry thought, “and __40__ his answers.”
  The day of the exam   41  , and Henry sat next to Allan,   42  was  43_ at the top of the class in math. Henry copied Allan’s a

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