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  • 更新时间: 2014/3/15 11:54:46
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  第Ⅰ卷   选择题  (共85分)
  第二部分   英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
  第一节  单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)
  21.What ___________ pleasant surprise! I’ll tell Richard about it ___________ minute he comes home.
  A.a; the B.a; a C.a; / D./; the
  22. No bread eaten by man is as good as ________ got by his own labor.
  A.one B.that C.it D.those
  23.Jane, ________yourself. Have you forgotten the rules I told you?
  A.behave B.respect C.consider D.entertain
  24.American English is more or less different ____British English ____ pronunciation and spelling.
  A.from; in B.with; in C.from; with D.with; on
  25.I was feeling left out in the new school ________Alice, an easygoing girl from Canada,  came to stay with me.
  A.if B.once C.when D.unless
  26.As the price is rising, $100 a month can hardly _____ the cost of his life in such a big city.
  A.cover B.afford C.include D.contain
  27.This is the only way that I can think of _______ the problem of water waste in urban areas.
  A.settling B.to settle C.settle D.settled
  28.______all of them are strong candidates, only one will be chosen for the post.
  A.Since B.As C.If D.While
  29.Someone called me up in the middle of the night, but they hung up ________I could answer the phone.
  A.since B.until C.before D.as
  30. With so much work ______ , I have to stay at home for a whole day and I’m almost at breaking point.
  A.done B.doing C.to do D.having done
  31.The man answered the phone in a loud voice at the meeting, _______made Andy annoyed.
  A,  that    B. what     C. who     D. which
  32._______over everything whenever we want to make a decision, many people believe, and we   will have less chance of making mistakes.
  A.Think B.Thinking C.To thinght
  33.Your novel is perfect; I’ve never read _______ before.
  A.the better one B.the best one C.a better one D.a good one
  34.—Was it by cutting down staff _____ she saved the firm?
  — No, it was by improving work efficiency.
  A.when B.what C.how D.that
  35.--- I’m terribly sorry, but I made a mistake again.
  --- _______. Practice more and you’ll succeed.
  A.Never mind B.Certainly not C.You’re welcome D.Don’t mention it
  第二节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
  第三部分: 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)
  Armed with two over-pacitcases, we arrived at the airport just in time for my flight. As I watched her unload my luggage, I could see the  36_  in her eyes. One last hug and a final good-bye, and I would be on my way to a new life  37 .“ You’d better go or you’ll miss your flight,” she said.
  “I’ll  38  you,” I replied, and with those words I  39 . By the time I reached the customs, I was  40 . While boarding the plane I was still crying. I did not have the   41  to put my bag in the overhead locker, so I put it on the  42  seat next to mine.
  Born just fifteen months apart, we not only looked alike, we were alike. We both had that same mix of  43  and fear of all things unknown to us. One sunny summer day I was playing outside when she came  44   to me and said, “ Want to come to the attic(阁楼)?” The answer was always “  45 ”. We were frightened of the attic but also  46  by its smells and sounds. Together we would get through masses of dust and loogh a lot of boxes _47  we found what we needed.
  The plane shook  48  and my bag fell onto the floor. My aspirin, hairbrush and some other things were  49  on the floor. I _50  over to gather them up when I saw a(an) _51  little book in the middle of my belongings. It was a diary.
  Immediately I  52   my sister’s handwriting. “Hi, Sis. What a day it has been today. You let me know that you are moving abroad…” Only _53  did I realize that my sister had been  54  a diary for the past month.
  I read about my sister’s comings and goings during the flight. Even though a large ocean  55  us, at some point it felt like she was actually there.
  36.A.honesty B.concern       C.satisfaction      D. sadness
  37.A.home      B. abroad        C.again           D.along
  38.A.remember     B.remind       C.think of           D. miss
  39.A.was off      B. was out     C.left off          D.left out
  40.A.smiling       B.thinking      C.sighing          D.sobbing
  41.A. energy      B.courage      C.idea            D.spirit
  42.A.full       B.big           C.empty         D. black
  43.A.anxiety     B.  curiosity     C.sympathy        D.worry
  44.A.about         B.across        C.up          D. down
  45.A.Yes          B. No        C.Sorry           D.Certain
  46.A.surprised      B.bored         C.interested        D. attracted
  47.A.unless         B. until       C.though          D.since
  48.A.hardly        B.slightly        C.heavily         D. weakly
  49.A.put       B. spread      C  pulled          D.pushed
  50.A.turned        B.lay    

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