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  • 更新时间: 2014/2/21 20:26:17
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  宁波市 八校联考高一英语试题
  1. What are the two speakers talking about?
  A. Taking a walk. B. Taking a bus. C. Animals in the zoo.
  2. What relation is the woman to Jack?
  A. His roommate. B. His wife. C. His mother.
  3. How does the woman get along with her work?
  A. Badly. B. Well. C. Just so-so.
  4. What is the woman?
  A. A saleswoman. B. A waitress. C. An inspector.
  5. Why does the man want his money back?
  A. He wants to use the money to buy some furniture.
  B. The machine doesn’t have the functions he wanted.
  C. The machine went wrong within a week.
  6. What is the relationship between the two speakers?
  A. Friends. B. Customer and manager. C. Strangers.
  7. Where is the woman from?
  A. Seattle B. Chicago. C. Baltimore.
  8. Why does the woman call the man?
  A. To ask for direction.
  B. To cancel the appointment.      
  C. To make an apology.
  9. What time is it now?
  A. Around 7:30. B. Around 8:00. C. Around 8:30.
  10. In which season do hurricanes most likely happen in the woman’s country?
  A. Summer. B. Autumn. C. Winter.
  11. How many people lost their lives?
  A. 16. B. 18. C. 19.
  12. What do we know about the woman?
  A. She had a narrow escape.
  B. She was struck by a tree.
  C. She was blown off by the wind.
  13. How was the man’s life in England?
  A. He didn’t get used to the life there.
  B. He was very pleasant to study there.
  C. He had a hard time during the first year.
  14. What does the man give some examples for?
  A. How quiet British people are.
  B. What the differences between cultures are.
  C. How British people judge a person.
  15. What do people in England dislike?
  A. Telling lies.
  B. Waiting in line.
  C. Eating food in public places.
  16. What does the woman look forward to?
  A. Having dinner with the man.
  B. Looking at the man’s photos.
  C. Seeing the man’s performance.
  17. What kind of library is it?
  A. English language teaching and learning.       
  B. Chinese history teaching and learning.       
  C. Science teaching and learning.
  18. Whose application might be refused?
  A. University students. B. English teachers. C. IT workers.
  19. How long can people keep the video at most every time?
  A. One week. B. One month.                C. One year.
  20. How many books can people borrow at a time?
  A. Five. B. Four. C. Three.  
  21. ---Mary, remember to come and see us next time you’re in town .
  A. Why? I’ll certainly do                 B. Sounds nice
  C. You’re welcome                      D. Sure, I will
  22. I can’t remember when       turning point occurred exactly, but it might be      summer morning when I was in New York.
  A.不填;a B.a; a C.the; a D.a; the
  23. As she is a _____ visitor to our house, we look on her as a part of

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