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  绍兴一中                高三英语回头考试试题卷
  第I卷 (共80分)
  1. Social practice is _____ opportunity for students to gain _____ better understanding of how society operates.
  A. the; the B. the; a C. an; a D. an; the
  2. You may demand an immediate _____ if the company fails to supply the product in time.
  A. refund B. justice C. guarantee D. cooperation
  3. In class the teacher ___ the finance project in simple but vivid language to make it easier for us to understand.
  A. undertook B. clarified C. approved D. submitted
  4. The film’s ending follows a set pattern, but, ____, it is worth seeing a second time.
  A. on the other hand B. in other words C. all in all D. in the meanwhile
  5. The news caused heated discussion online, with people _____ the government ____ using the expensive project to build up its political image.
  A. accuse; of B. charge; for C. accusing; with D. charging; with
  6. –Can I get out at noon?
  --No. Our school rules state that no student ____ be allowed out at noon, unless he has a request form.
  A. shall B. will C. must D. can
  7. Unsatisfied _____ with the payment, he took the job just to get some work experience.
  A. as was he B. as he was C. he was as D. was he as
  8. –I’d like to be on my own for a while. Do you mind?
  –_________. Go ahead.
  A. Not in the least B. No way C. Yes, of course D. I’m afraid so
  9. –The Wall Street Journal is giving me a laptop with Windows XP, an operating system I found satisfying when it first _____ eight years ago.
  –Are you sure? You must be talking big.
  A. turned out B. brought out C. wort D. came out
  10. The young man felt so guilty about his drunk driving that not a single word ____ to defend himself in court.
  A. said he B. he said C. did he say D. he did say
  11. –Can you give me some advice on what major I should take at college?
  –______. We can talt it over lunch.
  A. Never mind B. With pleasure
  C. In that case     D. Marself at home
  12. ____ the fire brot, three fire-engines were rushed to the spot.
  A. Hardly B. Quickly C. Immediately D. Gradually
  13. –___ the new secretary come to see you, manager?
  –Sure. And I’d rather she ____ me the truth.
  A. Will; tell B. Shall; told C. Should; will tell D. Shall; tells
  14. The family _____ on time, but their car had a flat tyre on the halfway.
  A. would arrive B. could arrive C. must have arrived D. would have arrived
  15. Owing to her balanced diet and regular exercise, she is very slim and athletic _____.
  A. in height B. in shape C. in detail D. in sight
  16. There’s an old saying ____ goes, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” This is especially true in the US, ____ apples are a huge part of food culture.
  A. that; which B. which; when C. that; where D. what; where
  17. The young boy has come to himself in hospital now. But he ___ unconscious for three days.
  A. has been B. was C. had been D. is
  18. The film suddenly jumped from the events of 1920 to ____ of 1930.
  A. those B. it C. that D. ones
  19. Compared with other animals, snakes are believed to be below ____ in intelligence.
  A. average B. common C. ordinary D. usual
  20. Mary’s parents believe that she will ___ a perfect dancer if she keeps practicing.
  A. turn B. make C. take D. have
  第二节: 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)
  I was fat kid who grew into an overweight adult. I was  21   laughed at for being heavier than the other kids,   22   me feeling shy. I tried several diets, but   23   worked, and I  24  

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