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一. 选词或词组填空

cut up, give out, come up, clean up, put off, cheer up,

call up, help with, set up, write down.

1. Please ______ the table after supper.

2. He______ with a good idea yesterday.

3. Your daughter is sad. Why not ___her___?

4. Teachers _______ apples to every child.

5. The meeting is_______ as war.

6. ______ these potatoes. I’ll cook them.

7. Terasa_______ a school for poor children.

8. I will _______ some housework after I finish my work.

9. Please _______ what I said just now.

10. He _______ his wife as soon as he arrived in Shanghai.

二. 单项选择

(  ) 1.He looks sad. Let’s cheer him ____ .

A. up        B. in          C. out         D. at

(  ) 2.Tony could help ______ the city parks.

A. clean      B. clean up    C. clean out     D. cleans up

(  ) 3. I _____ like to help kids with their schoolwork.

A. could      B. would      C. should       D. will

(  ) 4. Not only the students ____ also their teacher likes football.

A. too        B. except     C. however      D. but

(  ) 5. we need to ____ up with a plan on Clean-up Day.

A. come       B. go        C. work        D. study

(  ) 6. I _______ some clothes to charity because they are too small for me.

A. take after     B. hang out    C. give away  D. put off

(  ) 7. Now I spend time _____ what I love to do.

A. to do         B. doing      C. do        D. did

(  ) 8. After my teacher gave me a lesson, I didn’t do that _______.

A. any       B. more         C. any more      D. no more

(  ) 9. ____ of them like to play basketball.

A. Each      B. Everyone     C. Every         D. Both

(  ) 10. It often snows in ____ winter.

A. a          B. an          C. the            D. /

(  ) 11. I first met Joe three years ago. He ____ at a CD shop at the time.

A. will work   B. is working    C. has worked    D. was working

(  ) 12. Amy ____the windows already, so the room looch bright.

A. cleans     B. has cleaned    C. is cleaning     D. will clean

(  ) 13. The zoo was far away from my hotel. It ____ me at least two hours to get


A. took      B. has take        C. takes         D. will take

(  )14. –I’m sorry to waiting.

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