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共50道小题,约1470字。  新课标高二英语必修5第一单元测试题
  1. In some Muslin countries, women do not _______their faces in the public.
  A. reveal  B. uncover    C. expose    D. disclose 
  2. If I take this medicine twice a day, it should _____my cold.
  A. recover,   B. hold     C. restore     D. cure
  3. The boy is often found _____in reading books.
  A. absorbs   B. is absorbed   C. absorbing      D. absorbed
  4. My watch has stopped. Can you get it ______ for me?
  A. to go   B. going     C. go        D. gone
  5. ___to complete the job on time, they set out to work immediately.
  A. Determined  B. Be determined C. Having determined  D.To  be determined
  6. Don’t trust such people ___ praise you to your face.
  A. who    B. that     C. which    D. as
  7. The students expected ____ more reviewing classes before the exam.
  A. there to be   B. there are   C. there being   D.  there to have
  8. You shouldn’t keep silent when ____
  A. speaking   B. spoken to  C. spoken      D. speaking to
  9. The storms did a lot of _____and caused some______.
  A. damage, deaths       B. damages, deaths
  C. damage, deaths       D. damages, death
  10. With a lot of difficult problems_____, the newly-elected president is having a hard time.
  A. settled   B. settling    C. to settle    D. being settling
  11.  After being ____,he was told he was suffering from cancer.
  A. checked   B. tested    C. examined   D. treated
  12. It rained for two weeks, completely _____ our holiday.
  A. ruined   B. to ruin    C. ruining    D. to ruining
  13. The way he suggests to us doesn’t make______
  A. difference  B. opinions    C. use     D. sense
  14. She felt rather _______that she should drive the car at such a___________ speed.
  A. frightening, frightening      B. frightened, frightened
  C. frightening, frightened      D. frightened, frightening
  15. Cleaning women in big cities get _____ by the hour.
  A. pay     B. paying         C. paid           D. to pay
  Benjamin Franklin invented a lot of things which made people’s life easier. One of his earlier inventions was paddles for swimming. Ben had    16    if there were some ways to help people    17     faster. He thought hard and slowly a picture of swimming paddles grew in his   18     . The paddles must be neither too big nor too small. The wood which was used    19   the paddles must be neither too heavy nor too    20    .
  He began to work on the paddles and a few days later the paddles were finished. And then on the next Saturday afternoon Ben decided to    21   them out at Green’s pond where there were about a hundred boys waiting. All of them had heard of Ben’s idea and wanted to see whether the paddle would      22   . They were talking to each other, “What’s to be done if the paddles don’t work?” “What if he goes down?”
  When Ben got into the    23     , he began to paddle. At first the swam    24    , then faster and faster until he was going through the water like a fish. The boys had      25    seen such a fast swimmer. The paddles did work. All of the boys cheered loudly for Ben, jumping up and down with joy.
  16. A. doubted      B. wondered    C. asked        D. tried
  17. A. travel        B. run         C. boat         D. swim
  18. A. heart         B. family      C. hand         D. mind
  19. A. to           B. for          C. as            D. with
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