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  英 语 科 试 卷          2013-5-24
  第一节  完形填空 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
  Nicole Basil, 12, started Pedal Power in 2008. The charity donates  1  to students in Chicago public schools.
  2  a bike is good exercise and great fun. But what do you do with a bike after you outgrow it? Nicole Basil, 12, from Wilmette, Illinois, has a terrific  3   answer to this question. When she was 8 years old, she created Pedal Power. It is a charity that   4   bikes that kids have outgrown and donates them to Chicago public schools.
  Every November, Nicole   5   up for a bike drive. She held her first drive in Wilmette in 2008. She passed out flyers in her school to  6  word. Her friends helped add two more donation locations in Northbrook and Park Ridge, Illinois.
  Since 2008, Nicole has collected and donated more than 1,000 bikes. In addition, Pedal Power supplied riders with 400 helmets last year. “It is important to ride   7    on a bike, and helmets are a big part of that,” Nicole says.
  The Wilmette Bicycle & Sport Shop helps to be  8  all donated bikes are safe to ride. Each bike  9  a five-minute check-up by the shop’s employees. The co-owner of the shop said he is  10  to help a charity that benefits the community. He said. “We need more people like Nicole that will do things just to  11  people.”
  The bikes are given as 12  to students who have good grades and perfect  13  . “Some kids aren’t as lucky as others, but they still do well in school,” she says. “And I think they should be rewarded for that.”
  Barton Dassinger, a teacher in Chicago said, “It’s been a great way to  14  students to do their best. They work hard to try to make it happen.”
  Nicole has received e-mails and phone calls from parents and teachers that say test scores and grades are   15   . “Bikes can ta far,” she says. “Good grades can ta even further.”
  1.A.bikes          C. clothes            D. food  
  2.A.Repairing         B.riding          C.Buying           D. Sharing
  3.A.complete         B.brilliant          C.brief              D. honest
  4.A.checks           B.finds          C.collects           D. sells
  5.A.calls           B.applies          C.prepares          D. looks
  6.A.catch            B.present          C.leave           D. spread
  7.A.safely           B.slly        C.carefully         D. slowly
  8. A.aware            B.sure           C.confident         D. excited 
  9. A.avoids           B.receives        C.expects           D. continues
  10.A.calm          B.lucky            C.happy            D. eager
  11.A.greet          B.please             C.amuse          D. help
  12.A.rewards         B.reminders          C.surprises        D. choices
  13.A.information      B.attendance          C.description       D. statement
  14.A.inspire          B.force              C.allow           D. persuade
  15.A.slipping         B.changing          C.hurting          D. improving
  第二节 语法填空(共10小题; 每小题1.5分,满分15分)
  Once upon a time, there was a child ready to be born. So one day he asked God, “they tell me you ____16____(send ) me to the earth, but being so small and ___17___(help), how am I going to

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