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  命题学校:珠海一中   2013,5,18
  I 语言知识及应用(共两节,满分45分)
  第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
  In the middle 1800s, there were only a few white settlers in the southwestern United States. The Apache, a native Indian tribe, lived at   1   with the white settlers.
  In February 1861, Lieutenant Bascom, an American military officer, asked to speak with Cochise because a farm had been attacked and a white boy taken away. Cochise was an unusually powerful Apache leader. The whites who knew him both feared and   2   him. Friends as well as enemies considered him to be a(n)   3   man. He always told the truth and expected others to do the same.
  Lieutenant Bascom knew nothing about Cochise. The officer was   4   only with succeeding at his first command.
  Cochise was not   5   for the attack. So, the Apache chief believed the American soldiers had come in peace and he went to meet them with his family, which was a sign of   6  . But Lieutenant Bascom did not understand the sign.
  They met in Bascom's cloth tent. Cochise told the officer that his people were not   7   in the attactenant Bascom, however, accused Cochise of   8   and told Cochise that he and his family would be held prisoner until the boy was returned.
  Cochise reacted   9  . He stood up, pulled out his knife and cut a hole in the   10  . He escaped through the hole. The soldiers waiting outside were taken by   11  . They shot at Cochise three times but missed. But the soldiers captured the other people.
  Cochise caught four Americans and left a message for Bascom about   12   prisoners. But Bascom did not find Cochise's message until two days later. By then, it was too late. The Americans had already   13   Cochise's family.
  Cochise immediately made plans to   14   the Americans and he had the prisoners killed. He decided that Americans could   15   be trusted.
  The incident led to years of violence and terror.
  1. A. ease B. war C. peace D. will
  2. A. loved B. respected C. hated D. envied
  3. A. honest B. violent C. ambitious D. outspoken
  4. A. busy B. concerned C. faced D. worried
  5. A. eager B. prepared C. blamed D. responsible
  6. A. strength B. bravery C. trust D. fear
  7. A. involved B. interested C. guilty D. included
  8. A. joking B. pretending C. murdering D. lying
  9. A. quickly B. angrily C. fiercely D. hurriedly
  10. A. door B. wall C. tent D. front
  11. A. amazement B. nervousness C. terror D. surprise 
  12. A. releasing B. returning C. killing D. exchanging
  13. A. beaten B. caught C. hanged D. imprisoned
  14. A. repay B. reward C. remove D. resist
  15. A. rarely B. never C. merely D. seldom
  第二节 语法填空 (共10小题 ,每小题1.5分 ,满分15分)
  Our experience at the Children’s Medical Care Center was eye-opening. We saw a lot of children without hair due to their radioactive treatment. We played with them and taught them to

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