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共六道大题,约4400字。  广东省潮州市2012-2013学年高一上学期期末教学质量检测英语试题
  1. Where do you think the talk take place?
  A. In the hospital.           B. In the school.             C. In the street.
  2. Who do you think is the woman?
  A. A teacher.               B. A doctor.                 C. A police.
  3. What can you call the man?
  A. White’s father.           B. Mr. Peter.                C. Mr. White.
  听第2段对话,回答第4-6题 。
  4. Who may be the woman?
  A. His wife.              B. The manager of Country Hotel.   C. A sales woman.
  5. What should the room be like?
  A. A large hall with a multimedia computer.               
  B. A double room with a color TV.                  
  C. A single room with an air conditioner.
  6. How many guests will the man invite for this dinner?
  A. 11.                    B. 9.                     C. 8.
  7. What are they talking about?
  A. The girl’s MP3.          B. The boy’s trouble.       C. The computer.
  8. Whose MP3 seems to be missing?
  A. The boy’s.               B. The girl’s.             C. The guest’s.
  9. What will the boy do?
  A. Tell his parents the truth.   B. Keep it a secret.        C. Tell his parents a lie.
  10. What will the boy’s parents do?
  A. They will be glad.        B. They will praise him.    C. They will be angry.
  My daily life
  My best work time:    11   
  At about    12  : get up
  At 7:30: have breakfast
  At 8:00: start to    13  
  At 11:00: stop work to have lunch
  After lunch: rest for    14    or read
  In the evening: relax, go to the pub or    15   
  二、单项填空  (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
  从题中所给的A、B、C 和D中选出最佳选项,  并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
  16. _______ dusk, the traffic often becomes heavy.
  A. On     B. In      C. At     D. For
  17. —Who called just now, Sam?
  —It’s Terry. She asked _____.
  A. that Alice was in   B. if was Alice in   C. if Alice was in   D. whether was Alice in
  18. Since he has gone _______ a lot of hardship, he looks older than his real age.
  A. over     B. out    C. on   D. through
  19. She was becoming fat, ______ bothered(困扰) her very much.
  A. which  B. that   C. it  D. of  whom
  20. ____ number of books sold this month _____2000.
  A. A; has reached    B. The; has reached   C. A; have reached   D. The; have reached
  21. Hundreds of jobs ___ if the factory closes.
  A. lose  B. will be lost  C. are lost  D.will lose
  22. The factory ___I am going to is the place ___my mother used to work many years ago.
  A. where, where     B. where, which     C. which, where     D. that, which
  23. He was educated at a local grammar school, ______ he went on to Cambridge.
  A. from which    B. after that   C. after which      D. from this
  24. There has been some progress in saving _______ wildlife in China.
  A. danger          B. dangerous        C. endanger         D. endangered
  25. They were so popular that their fans formed clubs in order to ______ more familiar with them.
  A. get             B. do              C. have            D. know
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