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  • 更新时间: 2013/1/29 17:35:21
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  I. 听取信息(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
  Hotel Cleopatra a    1    hotel named after Queen Cleopatra;
  2    from the beach
  The Pyramid about 137 meters high;    3    long on the sides;
  4    years old
  The Suez Canal about 60 meters wide; 162 kilometers long;
  15 meters in    5  
  II. 语言知识及应用(共两节,满分25分)
  11. _______ the new medicine for a year and we’ll see how well it works.
  A. Try out    B. Mat  C. Give out  D. Pict
  12. The new technology has opened up a very wide _______ of possibilities.
  A. extent    B. number  C. collection  D. range
  13. He just _______ the headlines because he was too busy to read the whole newspaper.
  A. stared at   B. loond C. glared at  D. glanced through
  14. However, at times this balance in nature is disturbed, _______ a number of possibly unforeseen effects.
  A. resulting from      B. resulting in
  C. having resulted from     D. having resulted in
  15. —Excuse me sir, where is the room 301?
  —Just a minute. I’ll get Bob _______ you to your room.
  A. show     B. shown   C. to show   D. showing
  16. With more forests being destroyed in that area, huge quantities of land _______ deserts each year.
  A. has been turned into      B. had been turned into
  C. is being turned into      D. are being turned into
  17. To improve the quality of our products, we asked for suggestions _______ had used the product.
  A. no matter who  B. who   C. whoever  D. whichever
  18. With the price of pork and eggs _______ quickly, CPI has become a hot phrase among Chinese.
  A. raising     B. going up   C. to raise   D. to go up
  19. It was _______ back home after the experiment.
  A. not until midnight did he go    B. until midnight that he didn’t go
  C. not until midnight that he went   D. until midnight when he didn’t go
  20. The scientists are beating their brains trying to _______ a solution to the problem.
  A. come about   B. come across C. come out  D. come up with
  21. It is essential that every child _______ the same educational opportunities.
  A. have    B. would have  C. has   D. had
  22. How I wish I _______ that! Everybody present was angry with me.   
  A. didn’t do      B. hadn’t done  C. wouldn’t do   D. wasn’t doing
  23. We walked as fast as we could, _______ to catch the 9:30 train.
  A. hoping    B. to hope  C. we hoped  D. being hoped
  24. _______ for several weeks, the city was short of food and clothing.
  A. As having flooded B. As flooding  C. Having been flooded D. To flood
  25. It was in the village ________ we used to live ________ the film was made.
  A. that; where   B. where; that  C. which; that  D. that; which
  26. —James, I’ve found a job that _______ me down to the ground.
  —Really? Congratulations!
  A. fits     B. goes with  C. matches    D. suits
  27. The reason _______ he gave at

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