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  • 更新时间: 2012/12/6 15:07:19
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  英   语
  命题人:郭丹梅      审核人:李世荣
  1. Where does the man say to put the book?
  A. On the floor   B. In the bookcase   C. On the shelf
  2. What will the man do tonight?
  A. Buy a record   B. Watch a game   C. Take a history exam
  3. Who is the boy going to meet?
  A. His classmate   B. His coach   C. His basketball team
  4. What will the woman do this afternoon?
  A. Help the man with his maths.      B. Take her mother to see the doctor.
  C. Go for a ride with her mom.
  5. What does the woman think of the man?
  A. He drinks too much.   B. He has a weak heart.   C. He’s overweight.
  听第六段材料,回答6 、7题。
  6. Who is the man?
  A. The woman’s husband.   B. The woman’s boss.   C. The woman’s classmate.
  7. What did the woman bring back?
  A. Some present from the party.      B. Some documents for the company.
  C. Some information about her classmates.
  8. Where will the speakers take a trip?
  A. To a popular scenic spot.    B. To a wild place.      C. To a wild zoo.
  9. What advice does the man give to the woman?
  A. Leave some food for the animals.    B. Stay far away from fire at night.
  21. Today cellphone have become ______ part of our busy life. Besides communication, we also use them for ______pleasure.
  A. the ; /     B. /  ; /   C. a ; a        D. / ; a
  22. With the ______of making a fortune, many Chinese went to Australia in the 19th century to wash sand for gold.
  A. pleasure     B. intention    C. approach         D. pattern
  23. I don’t think this green clothes ________ her age. I guess red ones may be better..
  A. fit       B. connect        C. equal        D. match
  24. The new manager hopes to get the company ______ its feet within five months.
  A. on          B. in            C. to         D. off
  25.It was recommended that the goods _______ to the disaster area at once.
  A.would be sent   B.should sent   C.will be sent  D.be sent
  26. There is no point _____ further. It won’t help much.
  A. on explaining       B. to explain        C. of explaining         D. in explaining
  27. A nest is to a bird  _____ a house is to a man.
  A. where    B. what    C. as if         D. how
  28._____ we move the picture over there? Do you think it’ll look better?
  A. What about       B. What if     C. What for      D. How come
  29. After the Anti-terrorist War, the American soldiers returned home, ______
  A. safe but tired    B. safely but tired    C. safe and tiring    D. safely and tiring
  30. ______ into English, the sentence was found to have an entirely different word order.
  A. Translating    B. Translated    C. To translate    D. Having translated
  31. Have you ever met with a situation in your life

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