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  • 更新时间: 2012/10/29 14:21:09
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  第一节  语音知识(共5小题,每小题1分;满分5分)
  1.explain    A. explanation    B. experiment  C. example     D. extra
  2. laughs     A. listens       B. sweeps         C. mouths         D. smells
  3. anger     A. amuse       B. crazy         C. anything      D. balance
  4. bathe     A. faith        B. cloth         C. smooth        D. maths
  5. Britain    A. certain      B. train          C. against        D. contain
  第二节  语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分;满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
  6. --- Could I as a rather personal question?
  --- Sure, ____.
  A. pardon me      B. go ahead       C. good idea    D. forget it
  7. After a year’s training, they were made entirely used ______ under water.
  A. staying   B. to stay   C. to staying   D. stay
  8.       as he is, he knows a lot about football----much more than you can imagine.
  A.Child      B.A child  C.The child  D.One child
  9. People in western countries celebrate _______ Christmas, while people in China observe(庆祝) _______ Spring Festival.
  A. the; the    B. /; /  C. the ; /         D. / ; the
  10. ---I ______ to a party, but I’ve got nothing to wear.
  ---Why not have a dress made for you?
  A. will invite      B. have been invited  C. will be invited   D. have invited
  11. ---It will take days by car, so let’s fly _______.
  ---That’s a good idea.
  A. though         B. either           C. instead          D. therefore
  12. The extra furniture will be given to _____ asks first.
  A. whomever   B. whoever        C. no matter who  D. no matter how
  13.--- Have you ______ some new ideas?
  --- Yeah. I’ll tell you later.
  A. come about B. come into       C. come up with D. come out with
  14.In the past few years, My Heart Will Go On was a popular song among young people, _______ were often heard singing it at parties. 
  A. who          B. which          C. they            D. that
  15.Easy as we made it____the importance to keep earth in place, some villagers wouldn't listen.
  A. to understand     B. understood     C. understanding     D. to be understood
  16. We’d better paint the house white. I think it a bit ugly _____________.
  A. where it is       B. how it is        C. what it is        D. as it is
  17. It was in New Zealand ___ Elizabeth first met Mr. Smith.

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