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  • 更新时间: 2012/10/16 16:00:47
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  1. ______ in her new novel, the young writer kept writing for hours in her room.
  A. Having deeply absorbed             B. Deeply absorbing
  C. Deeply having been absorbed         D. Deeply absorbed
  2. ______ both sides accept the agreement will a lasting peace be established (建立) in this region.
  A. If only    B. As long as    C. Unless    D. Only if
  3. Eating too much fat can ______ heart diseases and high blood pressure.
  A. contribute to    B. attend to    C. dispose of    D. sweep up
  4. Look! The girl _____ in red on the stage is our headmaster’s daughter.
  A. dressing    B. being dressed    C. dressed    D. to be dressed
  5. I realized that I had been transported into the future of _____ was still my hometown.
  A. what    B. which    C. it    D. that
  6. _____ for the breakdown (瘫痪) of the school computer network , Alice was in low spirits.
  A. Blaming    B. Blamed    C. To blame    D. To be blamed
  7. Is this the recorder you want _______?
  A. it repaired    B. to repaired    C. to have repaired    D. to have it repaired
  8. What George said just now suggests that he _____ something that he shouldn’t have done.
  A. had done    B. should do    C. would do    D. has done
  9. Do you know who _____ a theory about black holes?
  A. put forward    B. put down    C. put on    D. put away
  10. I have had my bike _____, and I’m going to have somebody _____ my radio tomorrow.
  A. repair; to repair            B. repairing; repaired
  C. repaired; repair            C. to repair; repairing
  11. _____ housework did the mother have to do that she had no time to go shopping.
  A. So little    B. Too much    C. Too little    D. So much
  12. _____ food and drint he also brought a camera.
  A. Not only he brought        B. Not only brought he
  C. Not only did he bring       D. Not only he did bring
  13. His family is a big one, _____ of ten people.
  A. consists    B. consisting    C. consisted    D. to consist
  14. If the wound remained _____, it will get infected.
  A. exposing    B. to expose    C. exposed    D. being exposed
  15. Before handing in your test papers, mare nothing is _____.
  A. left out    B. left behind    C. swept up    D. sped up
  16. Peter sat on the train seat, with his eyes _____ on the fields outside the window.
  A. fixing    B. to fix    C. were fixed    D. fixed
  17. We will order some extra corn _____ our sixty pounds.
  A. in addition    B. in addition to    C. as a result    D. as well
  18. There are so many new words in the text that I could hardly make any ____ of them.
  A. idea    B. meaning    C. sense    D. use
  19. I always have so many things to _____ when I come back to the company after a trip abroad.
  A. attend to    B. expose to    C. break down    D. accuse of
  20. Five people won the “China Green Figure”award, a title _____ to ordinary people for their contributions to environmental protection.   A. being given    B. is given    C. given    D. was given
  21. Everyone wants to succeed in a short time, but it requires _______ effort.
  A. consistent         B. constant        C. immediate      D. comfortable
  22. Sending man into ______ space is not _____dream for human beings any longer.
  A. the; a             B. /; a             C. the; the            D. /; the
  23. The manager _____ one of the hotel workers of stealing the money. 
  A. blamed   B. scolded   C. accused   D. charged
  24. _____ entered the classroom _____ the bell rang.
  A. We hardly had; before   B. Hardly did we; when
  C. Hardly had we; than   D. Hardly had we; when
  25. He demanded we explain the process in detail, since he lacked _____ information about it.
  A. accurate  B. rough   C. convenient  D. enjoyable
  You Did More Than Carry My Books
  Mark was walking home from school one day when he noticed the boy ahead of him had dropped all of the books he was carrying, along with a baseball bat and several other things. Mark  26  down and helped the boy pick up these articles.  27  they were going the

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