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  • 更新时间: 2012/10/11 16:56:45
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  时间:100分钟    总分:120分   
  第一部分 英语知识运用  (共两节,满分45分)
  第一节: 单项填空 (共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)
  1. Here came         word         he got the first in the competition .
  A. a; that         B. /; that     C. a; which       D. /; which
  2. —Have you got used to the Chinese food, Robert?
  —Yes, but I don't like ____ when a Chinese host keeps serving me the food I don't like.
  A.this  B.that     C.those       D.it
  3. To tell you the truth, if you want to study abroad, you must pay more attention to _______English every day.
  A. practise speaking  B. practising speaking
  C. practising to speak  D. practise to speaking  
  4. —I’ve finished cleaning all the furniture in the room.
  —I don’t think so. What about ____ on the balcony?
  A. the one B. it                C. that   D. those
  5. — Was it by cutting down staff           she saved the firm?
  — No, it was by improving work efficiency.
  A. when        B. what             C. how           D. that
  6. If Joe’s wife won’t go to the party,________.
  A.he will either B.neither will he     C.he neither will  D.either he will
  7. Jason is a man of great determination and he will keep moving forward____ the result.
  A. whatever B. however          C. wherever   D. whichever
  8. —Many online games are full of violence, which do harm to the development of the children.      
  —And that’s _______ my concern lies.
  A. what       B. which            C. where         D. that
  9. When you ______with the dictionary, don’t forget to put it back on my desk, will you?
  A. will finish     B. are finishing       C. will have finished D. have finished
  10.Tom raised his hands as if ______ something.
  第二节: 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
  Fred Ames and I haven’t much in common. I sometimes wonder why we are friends 16. Perhaps it is Fred’s skill as a craftsman that I find so   17.  He’s always busy making things. Everything he makes is so perfect that I sometimes feel a bit of envy. If I  18  to remark that one of my books is so  19  and loose that I shall have to  20  it away, Fred takes it home with him and  21  it a few days later beautifully bound(装订). If I  22  a vase and it is broken into a thousand pieces, Fred puts it together again in such a way that only an expert would see the  23 .
  My  24  is that I’m one of those hopelessly impractical and incurably lazy person. 25  my work at the office, the only thing that interests me is listening to classical music. I have a big 26  of records and all day long the only thing I can  27  is  28  I am going to get home to listen to a new piece of music.
  I’ve often  29  to get Fred interested in music. When I’m in one of my talkative moods (which isn’t often, by the way), I spend hours  30  the beauties of a particular piece. I look at him as he’s gazing at that little blace of monkey I  31 in the mantelpiece(壁炉架) and  32 

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