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  第一部分 英语知识运用:(共两节,满分30分)
  1. Attracting _____ senior citizens, Florida is _____ home to the largest population of elder Americans.
  A.不填; 不填     B. the; the     C. the; 不填     D.不填; a
  2. —Do you think the weather will be all right this summer?
  —No, _____ we are lucky. The newspaper says it'll be very hot anyway.
  A. if      B. though     C. unless       D. as
  3. The first prize winner _______, John was so disappointed that he felt unwilling to know the rest of the results.
  A. announcing     B. announced    C. having announced   D. had been announced 
  4. People in some parts of Africa have no access to health education or medical care. ____, they are more likely to get HIV.
  A. Fundamentally    B. Vitally    C. Automatically   D. Consequently
  5. —Has your son come back from abroad for the winter vacation?
  —Yes. But he stayed at home for only a week. Now he _____ back to college.
  A. went            B. has gone    C. was going        D. will go
  6. — The terrible accident is under investigation.
  — Actually, quicker action _________ those workers trapped in the mine.
  A. may have saved  B. must have saved C. should have saved   D. could have saved
  7. All the students in our class are working hard every day, and the result _____ to be good in the
  coming examination.
  A. promises    B. expects  C. supposes    D. thinks
  8. I lost my way in complete darkness and ________ it began to rain.
  A. to make matters worse was that      B. what made matters worse was that
  C. making matters worse,             D. made matters worse,
  9. Surprisingly, Susan’s beautiful hair reached below her knees and made _____ almost an overcoat for her.  
  A. them B. her C. itself D. herself
  10. Reportedly, yesterday a group of American soldiers were walking along the road in Iraq when a
  bomb was _______, three of whom were killed.
  A. set off       B. set out        C. set up         D. set about
  11. —How was Robert's cooking?
  —Oh, pretty good. I was quite _____.
  A. admired     B. interested     C. impressed     D. inspired
  12.—Jack, this is the third time that you have been late this week.
  —Sorry, sir, but I was ____ for 15 minutes on the way here in the traffic jam.
  A. held up     B. put up     C. tap    D. given up
  13. Medical staff fled as flames and smoke filled an Indian hospital, _____ their patients to a fire, which killed 89 people.
  A. abandoned B. having abandoned  C. to abandon D. abandoning
  14. Despite all the benefits of building the subway in the city center, only a few people argued ______ the project.
  A. in terms of B. in place of C. in favor of D. in need of
  15. Studies show that daydreaming contributes significantly to concentration powers and the ability _____ with others.
  A. communicating B. to be communicated  C. to communicate D. to communicating
  16. There was a tree in front o

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