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  • 更新时间: 2012/7/26 15:21:18
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  英    语
  卷  Ⅰ
  1. What will the man do this afternoon?
  2. What is Jack's mother?
  3. How much is the schoolbag?
  4. Which sign are the speakers talking about?
  5. How does Sam feel?
  6. Where does the woman want to go?
  A. To a bank.          B. To a cinema.         D. To a hospital.
  7. How long will it take the woman to go there by bus?
  A. 5 minutes,          B. 10 minutes.          C. 15 minutes.
  8. Where does the conversation most probably take place?
  A. In a boat.           B. In a house          C. In an office.
  9. What does Sally take to David?
  A. Photos.             B . Camera.           C. A ticket.
  10. What do Sally and David think of the trip?
  A. Boring,            I3. Interesting.          D. Dangerous.
  Speaker:    11   , and American    12  
  Place:   In the    13  
  Time:   At 7:00,    14    evening
  Topic:   Travel experience in    15  
  11. A. Sara Jones          B. Annie Smith          C. Mary Black
  12. A. writer              B. reporter             C. manager
  13. A. gym                 B. library             C. library
  14. A. Wednesday          B. Thursday            C. Friday
  15. A. Asia               B. Africa               C. America
  二、单项填空 (本题有10小题,每小题l分;满分l0分)
  请从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可 以填入空白处的最佳选项。
  16. -Whose is _________ pen on my desk?
  -It's Mary's.
  A. a          B. an               C. the              D. 不填
  17. Please picp at the _________. My plane arrives at 8:00 am.
  A. hotel        B. airport          C. museum      D. theatre
  18. Tom is very _________. He never cleans his r oom.
  A. lazy         B. acti ve          C. smart        D. healthy
  19. It isn't warm today, _________ the sun is shi ning.
  A. or          B. and           C. because       D. although
  20. -May I use your calculator?
  -Sorry, I left _________ at home.
  A. it           B. one          C. this      D. that
  21. Most students like the teachers _________can understand them well.
  A. who         B. when         C, what        D. which
  22. Let me _________ your phone number and I'll call you when I'm free.
  A. cut down       B. turn down     C. look down     D. write down
  23. -Mike, why are you watching TV again?
  -I _________ my homework.
  A. finish        B. finished       C. have finished    D. had finished
  24. The fire last night destroyed many buildings. _________, no one was killed.
  A . Actually      B. Simply       C. Luckily       D. Immediately
  25. -Oh, we’ve missed the 6’clock film.
  -_________. It'll be on again in two hours.
  A. Have fun      B. Don't worry    C. Sounds great   D. You’re welcome
  Eric was standing in front of a large, gray house in the countryside. He had just been dropped off by his mum, who left after telling him that he was going to   26   the

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