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  • 更新时间: 2012/5/21 11:01:50
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  第一节  单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
  21. The driver was at________loss when________word came that he was forbidden to drive because of speeding.
  A.a; the B./; / 
  C.the; the D.a; /
  22. Due to the widespread________ of this medical technology, more diseases can be discovered and treated at an early stage.
  A. presentation      B. application    
  C. qualification       D. appreciation
  23. ----That must have been a long trip.
  ----Yeah, it________us a whole week to get there.
  A. takes            B. had taken    
  C. took           D. was taking
  24. ----Are you going to Tom's birthday party?
  ----________.I might have to work.
  A. It depends        B. Than     C. Sounds great       D. Don't mention it
  25. Though Alice is busy, music has always been________her work.
  A. as much a part of her life as         B. as a part of her life much as       
  C. as much as a part of her life         D. so much a part of her life as
  26. ________ housing prices are going up madly, it is almost certain that the local government focuses not on improving people’s life but on trying to earn money by selling state land.
  A. As           B. If          C. Where      D. Unless
  第一节  单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
  21. The traffic rule says young children under the age of four and ________ less than 40 pounds must be in a child safety seat.
  A. being weighed     B. to weigh      C. weighed         D. weighing
  22. The final score of the basketball match was 93: 94. We were only________ beaten.
  A. nearly     B. slightly    C. narrowly   D. lightly
  23. ----Waiter! How soon can I get my food? I just have half an hour left before my train leaves.
  ---- It________ be ready in five minutes.
  A. may             B. should          C. could           D need
  24. ________, as long as I’m with nature, I don’t care.
  A. However tough the journey is          B. Whatever tough the journey is
  C. However the journey is tough           D. Whatever the journey is tough
  25. ---How dangerous it was!
  ---Yes, but for the passer-by’s quick action, the girl ________.
  A.was drowned                  B.could have been drowned
  C. had drowned                 D.should be drowned
  26. ________ housing prices are going up madly, it is almost certain that the local government focuses not on improving people’s life but on trying to earn money by selling state land.
  A. As           B. If          C. Where      D. Unless
  27. The NBA semifinal was really wonderful. The best moment was, as the media reported,
  第一节  单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
  21. Some parents tend to give children ______ pocket money to let them learn its value from experience at _____early age.
  A. the; an          B. a; the    C. /; an     D. /; /
  22. It is reported that more than 100 tons of “gutter oil”(地沟油) has been ______ and 32 people have been arrested.
  A. caught   B. grabbed    C. seized    D. snatched
  23. His failure in the exam was expected. _______, it was still very disappointing.
  A. Nevertheless  B. Furthermore  C. Besides   D. Therefore
  24. The man should be excused because he caused the damage _______.
  A. deliberately  B. unintentionally  C. meaningfully  D. determinedly
  25. ---It looks as if he were drunk.
  ---So it does. ________
  A. He’d better give up drinking    B. He shouldn’t drunch
  C. Health is more important than drink  D. I wonder why he is always doing so
  26. The editor-in chief asked me to write an article for him, ________ about AIDS patients in China.
  A. that    B. one    C. it     D. this
  27. So hot a day! I would buy one soft-drink can, but I _______ money on me.
  A. didn’t have  B. don’t have   C. hadn’t had   D. won’t have
  28. She liked to drive around the street in his spare time because he wanted to ______ his new car.
  A. show off   B. show up   C. show in   D. show around
  29. In the new curriculum, some courses are _______, while others are optional for middle school students.
  A. traditional  B. compulsory   C. impressive  

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