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  • 资源类别: 人教版 / 初中试卷 / 中考模拟试卷
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  • 资源大小: 195 KB
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  • 更新时间: 2012/5/21 10:15:26
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共46分)
  1.  —_______ of the watches would you like?
  —I’ll take ________ of them, so I can give one to my sister.
  A. Which; all B. Which; both C. What; either D. What; neither
  2. -Excuse me, has the film already ________?
  -Yes. The film ________ for about ten minutes.
  A. started; has been on  B. started; has started 
  C. been on; started  D. been on; has started
  3. —Linda is a person ________ pays much attention to her clothes.
  —Yes, but do you know she can design clothes for _________?
  A. that; itself B. who; her C. which; her    D. who; herself
  4. -Last month Shirley advised her father to buy her brother ________MP4 as a birthday present.
  -_______ useful advice it was!
  A. a; How   B. an; What a    C. an; What  D. /; How an 
  5. —Are you going to Tibet for vacation?
  —Yes. I want you to ________ me with some information about it.
  A. offer     B. provide    C. show        D. give
  6. — Do you mind if I ______with my work while you are getting tea ready?
  — No, not at all.
  A. carry on  B. hold on  C. go over  D. come on
  7.  —I don’t know _________ we will visit the robot exhibition tomorrow.
  —We will _________it rains or it is very hot.
  A. if; if B. when; since C. how; until D. whether; unless
  8. — It’s sunny tomorrow. How about having a picnic in Joyland?
  —_______! Let’s ask the twins to go with us.
  A. Sounds great  B. Best wishes  C. Good luck   D. That’s OK
  9.  Johnny, you _________play with the knife, you_________ hurt yourself.

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