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  • 资源类别: 人教版 / 初中试卷 / 九年级上册试卷
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  • 资源大小: 116 KB
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  • 更新时间: 2012/2/18 15:19:54
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  Ⅱ.单项选择 (15%)
  (   )⒈ The ice in the lake is more than one metre      . It’s so strong that you can skate on it.
  A. long             B. wide             C. deep              D. thick
  (   )⒉ Her father gave her a computer on his      birthday.
  A. twelve            B. twelfth           C. twelveth          D. the twelfth
  (   )⒊ The farmers get      and mutton from sheep.
  A. cotton            B. woolen           C. wool             D. beef
  (   )⒋ There are so many things in the supermarket that I can’t decide      .
  A. what to buy        B. what I’ve bought   C. to buy what       D. what shall I buy
  (   )⒌ I’m sorry I didn’t hear      . Beg your pardon?
  A. what you’ve said   B. what have you said  C. you’ve said what   D. what are you saying
  (   )⒍ Would you mind      me how      English words?
  A. to tell; to remember B. telling; remembering C. telling; to remember D. to tell; remembering
  (   )⒎ He’s never visited the Great Hall of the People,      ?
  A. hasn’t he                B. has he             C. dose he             D. doesn’t he
  (   )⒏ The football match is      Chinese      Japanese.
  A. on…to             B. between…and     C. from…to          D. among…and
  (   )⒐ “Would you like something to eat?” “     , thanks. I’m feeling sick now. I feel like      .”
  A. Yes; eating something  B. No; to eat nothing  C. Yes; to eat nothing  D. No; eating nothing
  (   )⒑ “How long did it      you to finish the composition?” “     half an hour.”
  A. take; For            B. cost; In          C. take; /           D. cost; /
  (   )⒒ Up till now we have learned twelve units.
  A. Just              B. So far            C. Today             D. Already
  (   )⒓ Please wait for me. I’d like to go with you.
  A. ask              B. help              C. visit              D. join
  (   )⒔ Yesterday he was away from school because he was sick in hospital.
  A. at school          B. not at school       C. going to school     D. didn’t come to school
  (   )⒕ “Shall I go to a friend’s birthday party tonight, Dad?” “OK! Have fun at the party.”
  A. Have a rest        B. Sing and dance      C. Drink more          D. Enjoy yourself
  (   )⒖ We can’t go and have a drink. There are twenty more trees to be planted.
  A. We’ll plant twenty more trees.             B. We have planted only twenty trees.
  C. We must plant twenty trees today.          D. Twenty trees must be planted today.
  Ⅲ.情景交际 (10%)
  (   )⒈ ① Here you are.  ② Yes. Please show me a pair of sunglasses.  ③ Can I help you, madam?
  A. ③②①        B. ②①③         C. ③①②        D. ①③②
  (   )⒉ ① What’s your trouble?  ② How long have you been like this?  ③ I often dream frightening dreams when I’m asleep.  ④ Ever since last month.
  A. ②①④③        B. ①③②④        C. ③④②①        D. ④①③②
  (   )⒊ ① I’m afraid not. She isn’t here now.  ② Hello! This is Kate speaking. Could I speak to Ann?     ③ Well. Would you please ask him to call me back?  ④ See you later.  ⑤ Certainly.
  A. ③①②⑤④      B. ④②①③⑤      C. ②①③⑤④      D. ⑤③①④②

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