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  • 更新时间: 2012/2/13 14:38:39
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  21.  Next week,________British Parliament will vote on ______ban for all cigarette advertising. Ministers wish to cut smoking children under 16 years by a third by 2012.
  A. /;a    B. the;a            C. a;/  D.  a;the
  22. In spite of all_has been Said, quite a lot of people are sti11 uncertain about the prices of housing in China.
  A. that              B. what              C. which     D. as
  23. To British people,Canadians may sound American; to Americans,they may sound British.  Canadians themselves insist on not being identified with_.
  A.  either          B.  both               C.  any      D:  neither
  24.Nearly half a million immgrants,many of them English-peaking,_in the country during the last quarter of the nineteenth century:
  A. have arrived   B. had arrived         C. arrived              D. have been arriving
  25. Inside the box_a letter written in simple English.  It said,“Goodbye, Mom.  I will always
  love you.
  A,  has           B,  having               C,  being                 D.  was
  26. He found that as income rose,people bought more things to _________their spare time.
  A. supply                 B. apply        C. multiply              D. occupy
  27. I like seeing kids happy and, if they_,it makes my job a lot easier.
  A, are                    B. do            C. will         D. have
  28. Nowadays,skiing,_being a sport,has become a big industry and a notable feature of leisure
  A,  except for            B. apart from            C. far from   D. due to
  29, Martin Smith who,at 22,is one of the male nannies(保姆)admits that it will be some time__male nannies are totally accepted.
  A. since                B. until                  C. before     D. after
  30. Our dreams feel real while we're in them,right? It's only when we wap_we realize how things are actually strange.
  A. while            B. that                       C. which     D. when
  31.--Don't be a slave to work,Ralph! You must take it easy sometimes.
  --I can't help it._________
  A. Easier said than done                 B. Nothing is easier than fault-finding
  C. Easy come, easy go                    D. Easy does it
  32. When the Eiffel Tower was erected in 1889,at the world exposition, it was not very popular and came close to______down.
  A. be torn                 B. tear               C. tearing    D.  being torn
  33.---I heard that you got an A in the chemistry exam. Well done!
  --Thanks, I know that you________a good job as well.
  A. should have done   B. need have done   C. must have done    D. could have done
  34. If The Mona Lisa painting is on your list of things to see,_sure to get there early as there will probably be a line.

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