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  • 更新时间: 2012/2/8 11:13:54
  • 资源来源: 会员转发
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  I  听力部分 (共20分)
  (     ) 1. How often does Helen play table tennis?
  A. Once a week        B. Twice a month        C. Twice a week    
  (     ) 2. which flower does the girl like better?
  A. The red one        B. The yellow one       C. We don’t know
  (     ) 3. Can y a Walkman?
  A. Yes, she can.      B. We don’t know.      C. No, she can’t.
  (     ) 4. When was Lily born?
  A. On January 1       B. On April 1           C. On October 1
  (     ) 5. Where is Mary going?
  A. A clothes shop     B. A flower shop         C. A library
  (     ) 6. How does the woman usually go to school every day?
  A. By bike            B. On foot              C. By bus
  (     ) 7. Where are they talking?
  A. At the bus stop    B. On the bus           C.  In front of the bus
  (     ) 8. Who are the two speakers?
  A. A teacher and a student      
  B. A father and a son     
  C. A doctor and a nurse
  (     ) 9. What does Millie sometimes have for breakfast?
  A. Juice and bread     B. Eggs and milk.      C. Apples and vegetables
  (     ) 10. What does the woman mean?
  A. She is new here.  
  B. She will ask the policeman.      
  C. She wants to live here.
  (     ) 1. How many presents can the girl get at Christmas?
  A. Two or three        B. Five or six         C. She doesn’t say.
  (     ) 2. What does the girl usually do to celebrate Christmas?
  A. She celebrates it at home.       
  B. She plays with friends.   
  C. She goes to a party.
  (     ) 3. How old is Liu Fang’s uncle?
  A. He is 30.          B. He is 42.            C. He is 50.
  (     ) 4. What is Liu Fang’s uncle like?
  A. He likes exercising.      
  B. He is tall and strong.         
  C. He linning.
  (     ) 5. What is true about Liu Fang’s uncle?
  A. He lives with Liu Fang.    
  B. He has a daughter.        
  C. He has a son.
  (     ) 1. How much money can Wang Tao find in the red packet from his parents?
  A. 50yuan             B. 80yuan            C. 100yuan
  (     ) 2. What do we learn from Wang Tao’s aunt?
  A. She is poor.       B. She has a big house.       C. She is rich.
  (     ) 3. When can Wang Tao get all the money from his parents?
  A. When he does well at school.         
  B. When he becomes an adult.          
  C. Whenever(无论何时) he wants.
  (     ) 4. What can Wang Tao spend his money on?
  A. Stationery.      B. Sweets.         C. Junk food
  (     ) 5. Does Wang Tao always donate money to Project Hope at school?
  A. He donates five yuan.
  B. No, he doesn’t.
  C. Yes, he does.

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