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  第 I 卷(共105分)
  I. Listening Comprehension
  Section A
  Directions  In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be ast what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
  1.  A. At 19:15    B. At 19: 20  C. At 19:30 D. At 20:05
  2.  A. $ 1,850    B. $1,900   C. $1,950  D. $2,000
  3.  A. The man’s daughter       B. The man’s son
  C. The man’s wife          D. The man himself
  4.  A. Seeing a movie   B. Lining for tickets 
  C. Finding a café   D. Having a drink
  5. A. Joe survived the car accident. B. Joe was badly hurt in the accident.
  C. Joe’s car was slightly damaged. D. Joe’s car was knocked by others.
  6.  A. The title is eye-catching      B. The book is boring.
  C. The title is misleading      D. The book is wonderful.
  7.  A. She did better in the driving test.    B. She easily gets nervous.
  C. She was afraid of taking exams.  D. She didn’t practise much.
  8.  A. He has a correct attitude towards the exam.  B. He often fails school exams
  C. He surprised the man by failing the exam. 
  D. He doesn’t want to finish high school.
  9.  A. He made an appointment for the woman.
  B. He went to the dentist’s last week.
  C. The woman forgot to make an appointment.
  D. The woman should have gone to the dentist earlier.
  10.  A. She doesn’t like the topic.     
  B. He made fewer mistakes this time.
  C. There’re too many spelling mistakes.  
  D. The report doesn’t keep to the point.
  Section  B
  Directions  In section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.
  Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage
  11.  A. To hide his cow behind a tree.  B. To look for someone to help him.
  C. To find the strongest man in the town. D. To help some people of his own town.
  12.  A. He knew there was money under the stone. B. The old man promised to reward him.
  C. He feared others in the town might fall on it.  D. No one else was strong enough to move it.
  13.  A. A person who is ready to help deserves help. 
  B. One should catch every good chance.
  C. Those weak and poor people deserve help. 
  D. He laughs best who laughs last.
  Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following speech
  14. A. She could never overcome difficulties. B. She had problems with other children.
  C. She had trouble communicating with others.  D. She suffered from severe learning disability.
  15.  A. A person whose experience can inspire others  B. A person with a remarkable memory
  C. A person who has a better understanding   D. A person with special education
  16.  A. Always listen to doctor’s advice.    B. Never give up in face of difficulties.
  C. Always get encouragement from others.   D. Never compare yourself with others.

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