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  本试题分为第I卷和第 II 卷两部分。满分150分,考试时间120分钟。
  第 I 卷 (105 分)
  Listening Comprehension
  Section  A  Short Conversations
  1 A How to deal with the street dog.   B How to cure the street dog.
  C How to build an Animal Protection Center. D How to take care of the street dog.
  2 A Doctor and patient.      B Boss and secretary.
  C Salesman and customer.     D Coach and athlete.
  3 A Buy a piece of newspaper.    B Ask for directions.
  C Stand near the store.     D Help others more often.
  4 A The end of winter and the beginning of spring.
  B The end of spring and the beginning of summer.
  C The end of summer and the beginning of autumn.
  D The end of autumn and the beginning of winter.
  5 A At the bank.       B At the department store.
  C At the laundry.       D On the tennis court.
  6 A 7 years.        B 3 years
  C 4 years.        D 5 years.
  7 A Christmas trees.      B A pipe.
  C A tie.        D A watch.
  8 A She wrote the research last semester.  B She will finish it in a few minutes.
  C She never writes the research early.  D She won’t write it.
  9 A Near a cinema.      B Near a museum.
  C Near a school.       D Near a gallery.
  10 A Mary was given a job which she was not satisfied with.
  B Mary felt sad because she was fired.
  C Mary felt sad because she had quarreled with her boss.
  D Mary felt sad because she didn’t find a job.
  Section  B  Passages
  Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.
  11 A A popular attraction.     B A formal garden.
  C A hunting forest.      D A center of London.
  12 A 32,000.        B 25,000.
  C 20,000.        D 10,000.
  13 A Because it contains London Zoo.   
  B Because an open-air theatre was opened there.
  C Because a zoo intended for children was built there.
  D Because a canal was built there.
  Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.
  14 A 2.7 liters for women and 3.7 liters for men. B More than 8 glasses.
  C It is determined by a person’s bodily needs. D 2 liters on average.
  15 A Physical activity.      B Climate conditions.
  C The amount of other liquid taring the day.
  D All of the above.
  16 A People need a regular daily intake of 8 glasses of water.
  B Adults are recommended to drink 2.5 liters of water daily.
  C Most of the recommended daily intake of water is contained in prepared foods and people don’t need to drink that much.
  D There is still no certain guidelines regarding daily water requirement.

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