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  2011年桂林中学 高三月考 英语试题
  第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分30分)
  1. Who typed those letters?
  A. Bill.     B. The woman.   C. The typists.
  2. Where does the conversation most probably take place?
  A. On an airplane.   B. In a ship.    C. In a coffee bar.
  3. What is the relationship between the speakers?
  A. Doctor and patient. . B. Teacher and student.  C. Visitor and host.
  4. What does the woman mean?
  A. She wants to be as humorous as Jack.     B. She doesn’t appreciate Jacmor.
  C. She enjoys Jacmor greatly.
  5. How will the man probably feel?
  A. Shocked.   B. Pleased.     C. Excited.
  6. What does the woman’s company produce?
  A. Electronics    B. Food.     C. Lamps.
  7. How does the woman feel about business trips?
  A. She hates them.   B. She likes them.   C. She doesn’t care.
  8. What do we know about the woman?
  A. She has two days of vacation a month.    B. She seldom works overtime.
  C. She is satisfied with her pay.
  9. What did the man do last night?
  A. He sold his TV.  B. He bought a second-hand TV. C. He saw Dan off at the airport.
  10. How many bottles of beer were drunk in total?
  A. 5.      B. 49.     C. 94.
  11. Why does the man feel bad?
  A. He lost 400 Yuan last night.       B. His landlord asked him to move out.  C. He was cheated by his friend.
  12. How many bedrooms does the flat have?
  A. 2      B. 3      C. 4
  13. What does the woman think of the flat?
  A. It is too small to live in.  B. It is too expensive to rent C. It is satisfying on the whole.
  14. Why doesn’t the woman sign the agreement now?
  A. She wants to see other flats first.      B. She wants her husband to see the flat.
  C. She can’t afford the rent.
  15. What did the woman do with her Coca-cola?
  A. She drank all of it.  B. She threw it away.  C. She took it in with her.
  16. When does the Internet

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