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  英语    命题者:高三英语备课组
  第一部分  听力 (共两节,满分30分)
  第一节 (共5小题,每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
  1.What will the man do first after class?
  A. Go to the library.       B. See Professor Anderson.      C. Have a drink in the bar.
  I. How long is the supermarket open on weekends?
  A. Eleven hours     B. Twelve hours      C. Thirteen hours
  II. How should the man take the medicine?
  A. 2 tablets each time, 3 times a day      B. 1 tablet each time, 3 times a day
  C. 3 tablets each time, 2 times a day
  III. What do we know about the woman?
  A. She has lost hope in getting the job.
  B. She has been listed as a possible candidate for the job.
  C. She will be selected into the administration board
  5.Why does the man refuse the woman's invitation?
  A. Because he doesn't like volleyball.         B. Because he will attend a ceremony
  C. Because he wants to watch TV
  6.Where does the conversation take place?
  A. On a bus        B. At the information desk.       C. At the zoo.
  7.How will the man recognize the zoo stop?
  A. The woman will tell him.         B. He will watch for the big gate himself.
  C. He will ask other passengers.
  8.What do we know about the man?
  A. He takes the wrong bus.          B. He has been to the zoo before.
  C. He is standing near the door.
  9.How much is the box of computer paper?
  A. $ 11.95             B. $ 19.95             C. $ 11.50
  10.Why doesn't the woman change the paper for the man?
  A. Because there is no such paper left.             B. Because the woman is in a hurry.
  C.Because the right kind of paper is much more expensive.
  11.What is wrong with the paper?
  A. It is large.            B. It is smaller          C. It is poor in quality.
  12.What has the woman been mainly thinking about?
  A. The weather.          B. A vacation.          C. Her studies.
  13.Where will the woman probably spend her vacation?
  A. At the beach.          B. At a ski resort.       C. At the school library.
  14.What does the woman think the man should do now?
  A. Take a trip to the beach.    B. Go to a ski resort.   C. Study for his exams.
  15.What's the problem for the man?
  A. The course is too difficult for him to follow.     B. He doesn't like to study Electronics.
  C. He can't arrange his time properly.
  16.Why doesn't the man want to change his worle?
  A. Because he wants to have entertainment in the evening.
  B. Because he doesn't want to anger his boss.
  C. Because he wants to have more spare time in the evening.
  17.Which of the following is true about the community college?
  A. Courses there are available to anyone free of charge.
  B. Credits there can be transferred to the man's school.
  C. Exams there are easier to pass than at other schools.

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