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  英 语 试 题
  1.He was angry as he can’t accept his view is the very ________ of his colleagues.
  A.different         B.same         C.opposite          D.similar
  2.In the ______ of a big company EQ is more important than IQ.
  A.advertisement       B.problem        
  C.production         D.teamwork
  3.With the actress performing heart and soul on the stage,the audiences couldn’t _______ and many began to yell.
  A.wait         B.hold          C.pause           D.handle
  4.--What a lovely house! Did you decorate yourself?
  --Yes,I did the decorating..if you can call it that.Actually I just tried to _____ it as simple as possible.I don’t lich work.
  A.help           B.finish         C.take            D.make
  5.I don't have time to talk with you now, _________.
  A.I’m kept alone      B.I am sorry      C.catch you later     D.Bob is waiting for my son
  6.The fence marks the________between my land and hers.
  A.side            B.wall           C.ceil             D.boundary
  7.William found some dirty dots in his coat ________ he had wiped his hands.
  A.where         B.when          C.which           D.before
  8.He talt the books and people ________interested them greatly in the school.
  A.who         B.which           C.how          D.that
  9.This type of university course is no longer _________ to today's problems.
  A.different         B.similar          C.relevant           D.possible
  10.He was caught by police for his drunk driving and his friend advised him to _____.
  A.dry out         B.dry up           C.dry down          D.dry off
  11.--How do you like Robie?
  --He has been trying hard at his subjects._______ he is an excellent student.
  A.No wonder         B.No problem         
  C.No excuse          D.No doubt
  12.They have made voluntary ________ to the cause of rural economic improvement.
  A.donation           B.congratulation     
  C.distribution          D.contribution
  13.The government _____ the local citizens to take active steps to protect the endangered creature in that lake.
  A.urged           B.warned           C.asked            D.promised
  14.--We found Jack’s wallet here after he left this morning.
  -- He ______________ whether he has to go out to the bank and the post office.
  A.wonders         B.wondered         C.has been wondering         D.has wondered

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