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  英 语 试 卷
  命题人:姜建军        命题时间:2011-9-15
  1. The biggest whale is _______ blue whale, which grows to be about 29 meters long—the
  height of _______ 9-story building.
  A. the; the    B. a; a   C. the; a    D. a; the
  2. It was April 29, 2011 _______ Prince William and Kate Middleton walked into the palace hall of the wedding ceremony.
  A. that    B. when    C. since    D. before
  3. We climbed a tree, and all of a sudden it _______ to us that we were rather big to be up in a tree.
  A. struck          B. lighted         C. occurred          D. came
  4.Written in a hurry, _______ . How can it be satisfactory?
  A. they found many mistakes in the report
  B. Sam made lots of mistakes in the report
  C. there are plenty of mistakes in the report     
  D. the report is full of mistakes
  5. Catherine, _______ the alarm clock for 6 o’clock, or you would oversleep and be late for the train
  A. setting    B. sets    C. set       D. to set
  6. Although they lost their jobs, saving and unemployment benefits allow the couple to _______ their comfortable home.
  A. come up with    B. catch up with    C. hold on to       D. look forward to
  7. With the software product sales _______ , the medium-sized IT companies are having a great
  A. jumping           B. adding          C. raising        D. developing
  8. Jack took part in the speech contest and, _______  is more surprising, won the first place.
  A. that        B. what      C. which       D. it
  9. Don’t ask me to prepare the picnic lunch, I’m not _______ a cook.
  A. much of       B. better than     C. good at       D. much as
  10. He meant that you are old _______ your age _______ saying “the guy is overgrowing”.
  A. for, by B. for, as to C. with, about        D. to, by
  11. —Mr. Priestly has just accepted our offer over the phone.
  —Good, but you must ask him to _______ it in writing.
  A. consume         B. confirm     C. consult         D. conduct
  12. —Which of the three optional courses did you like best, Joe?

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