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  • 更新时间: 2011/11/1 15:04:21
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  第一部分 语言知识及应用
  第一节  完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
  Our thoughts, words, and actions often cause harm to others and to us. Without reconciliation (和解), we cannot deepen our understanding and only cause more suffering. "Beginning Anew" is a(n)   1   of reconciliation. It involves three steps —— sharing appreciation, expressing   2   , and expressing hurt and difficulties.
  In the first step, we share appreciation. We acknowledge the   3   qualities of the other person. The second step——expressing regret, is to  4  with the other person our regrets for the things we have done or said that might have caused him or her  5  . This requires humility (谦逊), and the   6   to let go of our own pride. In the third step, we express our own hurt with mindful and loving   7   without blaming or criticizing. We speach a way that the other person can listen and   8  our words. If we blame the other person, his heart will   9    and he will not be able to hear us. We ask the other person to help us to understand why he has spoken and acted as he has, causing us so much pain. Perhaps, later, he can share his feelings so that we can understand him more deeply. If a strong   10   arises in us while we are expressing our suffering, we should simply   11   and come bacr breathing until the emotion becomes   12 . The other person can   13   us by following his breathing until we are ready to continue. We can enjoy practicing "Beginning Anew" with our partner, our family, or our friends   14  . By doing this, we will   15   misunderstandings from accumulating. Rather, we will take care of them as they arise, as we take care of our children.
  1. A. method B. practice C. example D. experience
  2. A. concern B. belief C. regret D. sympathy
  3. A. positive B. poor  C. confident D. selfish
  4. A. chat B. compare C. debate D. share
  5. A. pain B. anxiety C. confusion D. loss
  6. A. willingness B. kindness C. happiness D. weakness
  7. A. speech B. letter C. story D. question
  8. A. choose B. accept C. spread D. change
  9. A. open B. close C. beat D. melt
  10. A. emotion B. responsibility C. value D. interest
  11. A. continue B. stop C. leave D. repeat
  12. A. quieter B. warmer C. deeper D. stronger
  13. A. forget B. support C. hate D. remember
  14. A. quickly B. carefully C. regularly D. willingly
  15. A. prevent B. protect C. separate D. forbid
  第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
  Over years, I’ve been teaching children about a simple   16   powerful concept——the ant philosophy. They have an amazing four-part philosophy. First, ants never quit. They’ll climb over, they’ll climb under, and they’ll climb around. They keep looking for another way. What a neat (了不起的) philosophy it is to never quit   17  (look) for a way to get  18   you are supposed to go! Second, ants thint winter and summer. That’s   19   important attitude. You can’t be so naïve(幼稚的)as to thinmmer will last forever. People who have a little experience are clear about this. So ants are gathering their winter food in the middle of summer. It’s important to be realistic. You have got to thint rocks as you enjoy the sand and sun. Think ahead

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