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  • 更新时间: 2011/10/16 21:08:16
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  英  语
  I 语言知识及应用 (共两节,满分45分)
  第一节  完形填空 (共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)
  Get Yourself Lost
  Travelers to new cities are often told to start their trip with a bus tour. The thinking is that they can then ____1____ to the places that interested them. Nonsense! What you see from the____2____ of a moving bus is unreal and completely removed from the authentic sights, sounds and ____3____ outside.
  Be adventurous! The best way to experience any place is ____4____ and with absolutely no travel ____5____. Simply go wherever your feet and your ____6____ lead you. You eventually will get to the same sites that are on the bus tour - the museums, the monuments city hall- but will have ____7____ much more. You will have felt the contemporary life of the city.
  “But what if I get lost?” People might ask. No one gets ____8____ lost in a major city. Eventually, you can find your way back to a well-known location. If it frightens you to be “lost”, just find a taxi and go back to where you____9____. However, the nicest things can happen if you get lost. You stop at a sidewalk café to ____10____ and relax. You asctions of the local people at the ____11____ table. And even if they don’t spear language, your trip becomes more ____12____ because of the experience.
  , ____13____ your money. Instead, wander on your own. I ____15____ you a time you’ll remember with great pleasure.
  A. return   B. come  C. walk   D. drive
  A. backside  B. inside   C. outlook  D. outlet
  A. grasses  B. flowers C. smells                                  D. feelings
  A. by car   B. on foot C. by bike  D. by plane
  A. plan   B. map  C. money     D. ticket
  A. nose   B. mouth      C. habits    D. interests
  A. observed  B. touched C. seen   D. watched
  A. uncertainly     B. unluckily  C. carelessly D. hopelessly
  A. started     B. went  C. enjoyed D. left

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