《New Waves of Technology》教案1
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New Waves of Technology
New Waves of Technology-Meaning through practice.doc
New Waves of Technology-Reading to learn.doc
Unit7 New Waves of Technology教案
Meaning through practice
Build your skills
These questions can e post –reading activities to be completed in groups in the classroom or for homework.
Answer key
1.<answers may vary. sample answers only.>
advances in science : theory of relativity, computer science, quantum mechanics.
Advances in technology: rocket, computer, technology, bioengineering.
2. he was embarrassed. He wanted to escape from the uncomfortable position he had found himself in.
3.b 4.c 5.c
6. An American who liked to ski first invented the snowboard. He did it by bolting two skis together. He called it a snuffer.
7 .personal opinion.
B. build your vocabulary.
Divide the Ss into groups of 4.The Ss must identify the sentence in the text that uses each different from the text, each group must write a sentence about each expression
Answer key
1. appeal to be attractive and of interest to
come up with think of a plan, idea, solution, etc
deal with do what is necessary to achieve the desired result.
Set off start a journey; cause something to explode.
Signal to make a gesture, movement, sound ,or action in order to give a particular message to person who sees or hears.
C. build your listening skills
Unit7 New Waves of Technology教案
Reading to learn
this section includes three articles on technological achievements and on problems arising from technological achievements.
Without the books open, write the title of this text on the board. Have Ss predict what the text is about from the title.
What’s the subject in this title? What do you think a NASA Rover could be? What is the verb? Give other examples that wap. What is the object? What is Mars? How can you travel to Mars? Would this be a person or thing that would travel to MARS? What type of technology will we read about in this text? Does anyone is the class know something about Mars that they could share with the class?
There is a lot of new vocabulary in this text. Assign the reading for homework and have the Ss categorize the new vocabulary into the following groups
Find all the words or phrases related to the Rover <space craft.>
Find all the words or phrases related to the Mars <planet>
Find all the words or phrases related to NASA <people/scientists>
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