《The Environment》学案2

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  Module5 U2 The Environment
  Welcome to the Unit          
  【学习目标】:1.合作学习,积极参与讨论有关environment 的话题,养成环保意识。
  2. 学习并掌握部分新单词及短语
  【学习重点】: 提高口头表达能力,掌握部分新单词及短语
  【学习难点】: 如何提高口头表述能力及提高阅读能力。 
  1.Learn and study the following words
  environment   environmentalist  environmentally-friendly atnmosphere pollution         plastic bags        poisonous waste         rubbish 
  chimney         industry           balance of nature        forest    
  chemical        desert              sandstorm             recycle
  damage          protection          drinking water         fertilizer
  2.List the natural disasters you know:
  3 Search for information about some environmental problems you ch as floods, forest fires , the greenhouse effect; acid rain. Prepare for the discussion in class.
  1. Talt the environmental problems .
  2 Talt the pictures on P21 and discuss how to solve the problems
  Problems       Causes       Solution
  White Pollution  
  Air pollution  
  Decrease of Forests’  
  Forest fire  
  Water Pollution  
  4. Read the passage and complete the blanks
  This summer, heavy rains have caused huge floods which have killed more than 1,000 people and left more than 1 million homeless in China and Eastern Europe.

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