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  • 更新时间: 2011/8/13 16:38:10
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  (A)                   Doctors urge more playtime for children
  The American Academy of Pediatrics (儿科) says    36    children really need for health development is more good, old-fashioned playtime.
  Many parents load their    37    (child) schedules with get-smart videos, enrichment activities and lots of classes in a drive to help them do better. The efforts often begin as early as babyhood. Free play is neglected in the shuffle, a new academy report says.
  Numerous studies have shown that free play is very    38    (benefit). It can help children become creative, develop problem-solving skills, relate to others and adjust to school settings,  39    academy report says.
  "Perhaps above all, play is something    40    is a cherished part of childhood," says another report,    41    (prepare) by two academy committees for release Monday    42  the group's annual meeting in Atlanta.
  The report adds that enrichment tools and    43   activities can be helpful,    44  should not    45    (view) as a requirement for creating successful children. They must be balanced with plenty of free playtime.
  (B)  Some years ago, SARS brot in the mainland of China, causing some people to be killed or nearly got close to (21)___(die). The situation was so severe that
  Watching TV is a very popular pastime in the Ut what kind of programs do British people like to watch?Well,the most-watched TV programs every week are very popular dramas    31   are usually on at least four times every week. They are
  dramas based in one neighborhood that try to depict ordinary life in the UK-we call 32    'soap operas' or 'soaps'.
  In the early days of TV, there were often dramas on    33    the day. Back in
  those days, it was traditional    34    the husband to go out to work and for the
  wife to stay at home and look after the house and the children. Most of these daytime
  dramas    35    (aim) at entertaining the housewives who would traditionally be at
  home, probably doing the washing. Companies    36    (sell) washing powder would advertise their products at times when these dramas were on, and sometimes those companies would even sponsor the drama. Hence    37    word 'soap' appeared.
  So what about the word 'opera'? Well, that's   38   these dramas are often an
  exaggeration (n.夸张) of real life. They are supposed to represent ordinary lives,
  39  , to make them entertaining, lots of dramatic events, lirders, divorces,
  affairs etc. all happen probably much more   40    (regular) than they would in a
  normal neighborhood.
  Passage (2)
  Once upon a time, a man appeared in a village and announced to the villagers that he would buy monkeys for $10 each.
  The villagers,   31    (see) that there were many monkeys around, went out to
  the forest and started catching them. The man bought thousands of monkeys at $10
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