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  • 资源大小: 167 KB
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  • 更新时间: 2011/6/1 0:26:41
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  英  语  试  卷
  注意事项:1、本试卷分由第I卷和第II卷两个部分组成, 满分96分;时间120分钟;
  第Ⅰ卷 选择题(共45分)
  一、单项选择 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
  1. —What _____ long river!
  —Yes, it's ____ 8000-metre-long river.
  A. /, a      B. /,an       C. a, a        D. a , an
  2. The river is too wide for us to swim _______.
  A./         B. past       C. along       D. across
  3. — So many cars here! Which one is     , Mike?
  — Well,     car is coloured differently from the others.
  A. your; my    B. yours; my     C. yours; mine    D. your; mine
  4. Jack always mas laugh. We think he is much    than his brother.
  A. fun         B. funny        C. funnier        D. funniest
  5. —The radio is too noisy and there is nothing interesting on it.
  Why don’t you _____?
  —All right. I’ll do that.
  A. turn it on     B. turn it off     C. turn it back     D. turn it up
  6. —How long have you made friends with Mary?
  —It's five years ____ we knew each other.
  A. until         B. since         C. before         D. when
  7. I        a strange gift yesterday, and I still don’t know who it was from.
  A. took B. sold          C. received       D. brought
  8. —How do you like this computer game?
  —I find it ________ to play.
  A. easily enough  B. easy enough   C. enough easily   D. enough easy
  9. An English speech _______ to the children tomorrow.
  A. is given    B. has been given    C. will be given    D.was given
  10. —These students didn’t pass the exam.  
  —They felt unhappy,       ?
  A.didn’t they     B. did they       C. don’t they      D.do they
  11.About ________ of the teachers in their school were born in the 1980s.
  The rest _______ born in the 1970s. 
  A. three-fourths; were B. three-fourths; was
  C. three-fourths; are D. three-fourths;  is
  12. Mary devoted much of her time _______ the disabled people.
  A. in helping     B. to helping      C. help           D. helped
  13. —_______ a month does your father come to see you?
  —Twice a month. 
  A. How soon B. How long
  C. How often D. How many times
  14.The train hasn’t arrived now. Could you tell me     ?
  A. why the train is late B. how is the train late
  C. when will the train arrive D. that the train arrives
  15. —It's nice of you to help me solve the problem.     
  A. All right     B. It's nothing   C. It doesn't matter    D. No, thanks a lot

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