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  • 更新时间: 2011/5/31 22:51:51
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  (考试形式:闭卷考试时间:100分钟   试卷分值:120分)
  (     ) 1. My son wants a toy train for long, but I have no time to get ______ for him.
  A. it  B. one   C. this   D. that
  (     ) 2. For _____ information about the color therapy, you can call Mr. Wang on 55578187.
  A. farther    B. farthest     C. further      D. furthest
  (     ) 3.—Eric, you didn’t travel by train? —I was going to, but then I decided to go by car_______.
  A. yet  B. already        C. either    D. instead
  (     ) 4. The Great Wall runs ____ the northern China, ____ mountains just ____a snake.
  A. along, cross, like      B. across, over, like
  C. along, cross, as     D. across, over , as
  (     ) 5. If you visit China, you will get lost easily in it ______ you have a map.
  A. unless B. until   C. when     D. till
  (     ) 6. — Listen! Is Professor Johnson giving a report in the hall?
  — No, it        be him. He has gone to Japan.
  A. needn’t B. may not  C. mustn’t  D. can’t
  (     ) 7. —Why didn’t you see the TV play My Ugly Mother last month?
  — Because I _____ it twice. It’s so moving.
  A. had seen B. saw       C. have seen    D. had been seen
  (     ) 8.This is such a difficult problem that few students know _______ it.
  A. what to do      B. how to do with
  C. what to deal with      D. how to deal with
  (     ) 9._______ useful news report he gave us the day before yesterday!
  A. What      B. How    C. What a      D. How a
  (     ) 10. He did all he could ______ those poor people in the earthquake in Japan.
  A. helping     B. to help    C. to helping    D. help
  (     ) 11. There ______ much metal in this factory. Metal ________ making machines.
  A. used to be , is used for      B. used to have , is used to
  C. is used to have , used to       D. is used to be, is used for
  (     ) 12. —Has Jack finished his homework yet?
  — I’ve no idea, but he _______it the whole afternoon.
  A. did         B. does      C was doing      D. would do
  (     ) 13. —Could you tell me __________? — I am watching TV.
  A. what you do             B. what do you do
  C. what you are doing       D. what are you doing 
  (     ) 14. The structure of this sentence “ He has had his bike repaired.” is ________.
  A. S+V      B. S+V+P  C. S+V+IO+DO      D. S+V+DO+OC
  (     ) 15. — Jim, it’s said that many famous singers will come to Dongtai on June 18th.
  How about watching the evening show there?
  — ________! Let’s asang Tao to go with us.
  A. Best wishes   B. Sounds great C. Good luck D. That’s OK
  Once there was a woman whose only son had died. In her sorrow(悲哀, 悲痛) she went to ask a wise man  16 there was a way to bring her son back to life. “Bring me a mustard seed (芥菜籽)

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