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  • 更新时间: 2010/11/28 21:31:10
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共65题,约3440字。  太  原  五  中
  高  二  英  语
  命题人:吕元吉  郭海涛  南睿                  校题人:郭海涛  南睿
  第一部分  选择题(共80分)
  1. The poor young man is ready to accept _____ help he can get.
  A. whichever      B. however      C. whatever     D. whenever
  2. I don’t mind _____ criticizing me, but _____ is how she did it that I object to.
  A. she; what       B. her; it        C. she; when    D. hers; that
  3. John, a friend of mine, _____ got married only last week, spent $3000 more than he _____.
  A. whom; will plan                  B. who; has planned
  C. whom; would plan                D. who; had planned
  4. Gun control is a subject _____ Americans have argued for a long time.
  A. of which        B with which     C. about which    D. into which
  5. The water _____ cool when I jumped into the pool for morning _____.
  A. was felt; exercise  B. felt; exercise   C. feels; exercises   D. is felt; exercises
  6. How often do you visit your grandparents
  A. Every other week.  B. Two weeks.   C. For two weeks.   D. For a few weeks.
  7. Susan decided not to work on the program at home because she didn’t want her mother to know what she _____.
  A. has done        B. had done        C. was doing      D. is doing
  8. —I read the 21st Century Senior 2 Edition every day.
  —_____ no wonder that your vocabulary is so large.
  A. There is      B. There will be       C. It is       D. There could be
  9. Now one of the most serious problems many people are worried about _____ on the lack of adequate housing space.
  A. insists        B. depends      C. agrees       D. focuses
  10. I have done everything _____ was possible to do to prevent him from _____ the rist in vain.
  A. it; cutting     B. which; running  C. that; cutting   D. it; running
  11. —Why did your team lose the game
  —They had a big advantage _____ us —— _____ so much taller.
  A. above; are    B. over; being     C. of; were       D. than; being
  12. —Do you know who the young man is beside the door
  —A man _____ himself Jason.
  A. called        B. calls          C. calling        D. being called
  13. The student’s mind is always _____ when he listens to his teacher.
  A. wondering    B. wandering     C. wondered      D. wandered
  14. _____ environmental damage is done does it take many years for the ecosystem to recover.
  A. Even if       B. While        C. Only if        D. Once
  15. As we all know, the beautiful mobile isn’t _____ high price at all.
  A. worthy too   B. worth that    C. fit much       D. valuable that
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